No Bible in MY Classroom


And the war against Christianity continues.

A Florida school teacher humiliated a 12-year-old boy in front of an entire class after she caught him reading the Bible during free reading time.

The teacher, at Park Lakes Elementary School in Fort Lauderdale, ordered Giovanni Rubeo to pick up the telephone on her desk and call his parents.

As the other students watched, the teacher left a terse message on the family’s answering machine.

“I noticed that he has a book – a religious book – in the classroom,” she said on the recording. “He’s not permitted to read those books in my classroom.”

And the anti-Christian zealots rage on with their war against religion.
And the war against Christianity continues.

And the anti-Christian zealots rage on with their war against religion.

I listened to the tape. Can't tell whether the teacher is acting on her on volition or was just carrying out school policy. I suspect the latter, but she did choose the phrase "my classroom".

I wouldn't jump to the conclusion just yet that this woman is an "anti-Christian zealot". Wait for the facts to play out; the article was an 'opinion' piece, written by the author of 'God-Less America', probably looking for an opportunity to stir up some religious right types and sell more books, no doubt. That said, if the school misapplied the law or guidance for public schools in this regard, they'll have to adjust their policies accordingly.


reading the Bible during free reading time
Don't give a crap if it's her classroom or not. It's free reading time. The kid should be allowed to read whatever he/she wants to read. Since when can a teacher dictate what someone reads. This is :bs:


I listened to the tape. Can't tell whether the teacher is acting on her on volition or was just carrying out school policy. I suspect the latter, but she did choose the phrase "my classroom".

I wouldn't jump to the conclusion just yet that this woman is an "anti-Christian zealot". Wait for the facts to play out; the article was an 'opinion' piece, written by the author of 'God-Less America', probably looking for an opportunity to stir up some religious right types and sell more books, no doubt. That said, if the school misapplied the law or guidance for public schools in this regard, they'll have to adjust their policies accordingly.

You’re telling me to not jump to conclusions, then jump to your own by asserting some sort of book selling agenda by ‘God-Less America’? ‘NO DOUBT’?! It is on tape “He’s not permitted to read those books in my classroom.” It NO DOUBT sounds like a personal effort by this teacher to shut down any form of Christian expression in HER classroom.

There are zealots in our school systems with anti-religion purposes aimed specifically at Christians within our schools – whether through policy or individual coercion – that we should all scream foul in violation of the 1st. There is absolutely no justification for banning the personal and private reading of the bible in our public schools. This harms no one, promotes no religion, forces no one else to pay any mind to what this kid was reading.

I'll jump to another conclusion... If the kid had been reading the Koran, I have NO DOUBT the teacher would have stood this kid up in front of the class as a model of what all the other kids should be doing.
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Well-Known Member
The teacher needs to be publicly shamed and reprimanded. No different than what she did to the boy. That would be a good representation of the old "eye for an eye" saying.

No wonder so many are so sick of public schools. I'm sure the teacher is a good obama voting liberal that is all in on Common Core that will make her students as stupid as she is.

This is the plan of the left to take Christianity out of the public view completely by shaming and shunning people for their belief.
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The teacher needs to be publicly shamed and reprimanded. No different than what she did to the boy. That would be a good representation of the old "eye for an eye" saying.

No wonder so many are so sick of public schools. I'm sure the teacher is a good obama voting liberal that is all in on Common Core that will make her students as stupid as she is.

This is the plan of the left to take Christianity out of the public view completely by shaming and shunning people for their belief.
Bet if the kid was reading the koran, she wouldn't have said a word.


Bet if the kid was reading the koran, she wouldn't have said a word.

I disagree... I think the kid would have been put in front of the class as an example of what all model citizens should look like. So open-minded and tolerant. He would exhibit brilliance in his free and open thinking. Automatic 'A'


This is the plan of the left to take Christianity out of the public view completely by shaming and shunning people for their belief.

Well, it's actually what's supposed to happen according the bible.

“Brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child. Children will rebel against their parents and have them put to death. Everyone will hate you because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. - Mark 13:12-13

In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted, while evildoers and impostors will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived. - 2 Timothy 3:12-13

Dear friends, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come on you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice inasmuch as you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed. If you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you. If you suffer, it should not be as a murderer or thief or any other kind of criminal, or even as a meddler. However, if you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but praise God that you bear that name. For it is time for judgment to begin with God’s household; and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who do not obey the gospel of God? 1 Peter 4:12-17
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Well-Known Member
"They will hate you for my name's sake."

Open persecution of Christians will only embolden & unite Christians more than ever.
just like the Pro-Life movement began to weld protestants & Catholics together...this type of oppression (although unfortunate for the child) will stir the Christian base...separating the wheat & chaff.

Has persecution succeeded in silencing Christians in China? Look again: it has made them MORE courageous & the message of Christ has spread farther now.

Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus.


Well-Known Member
Well, it's actually what's supposed to happen according the bible.

No disagreement here. They think they are doing this all on their own, they are just so smart and know what is best for us. Thank God that He is there and everyone still has the chance to heed His call. Sadly, so many billions will continue to ignore Him as they march happily into eternal damnation.


No disagreement here. They think they are doing this all on their own, they are just so smart and know what is best for us. Thank God that He is there and everyone still has the chance to heed His call. Sadly, so many billions will continue to ignore Him as they march happily into eternal damnation.

Well, it is still a personal choice, just as you chose to have God in your life. How can God hold someone accountable for something God made them do?


Well-Known Member
Well, it is still a personal choice, just as you chose to have God in your life. How can God hold someone accountable for something God made them do?

How did you come up with that? God is not making anybody do anything. Free will it is. Individual choice. Mob choice.

Way back in the day, God gave man up to our own reprobate ways - because so much of mankind wanted it that way. God warned Israel, over and over, that He was their King - just be patient. But noooo, the so smart people of the leadership of the nation demanded a king now, that He said OK, have it your way. They are still paying for that conceited, egotistic attitude that they knew better what they needed than the God that had delivered them from disaster again and again.

He did not give up on man because He knows many will follow Him, but he simply knew from eternity past that billions would give into themselves and reject Him.

Their choice by their own will.
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How did you come up with that? God is not making anybody do anything. Free will it is. Individual choice. Mob choice.

Way back in the day, God gave man up to our own reprobate ways - because so much of mankind wanted it that way. God warned Israel, over and over, that He was their King - just be patient. But noooo, the so smart people of the leadership of the nation demanded a king now, that He said OK, have it your way. They are still paying for that conceited, egotistic attitude that they knew better what they needed than the God that had delivered them from disaster again and again.

He did not give up on man because He knows many will follow Him, but he simply knew from eternity past that billions would give into themselves and reject Him.

Their choice by their own will.

Read what I wrote again. You just reiterated what I said, but only with a lot more words.


Well-Known Member
Read what I wrote again. You just reiterated what I said, but only with a lot more words.

You did say that" How can God hold someone accountable for something God made them do?"

Are you saying that God makes people sin, or that people are not accountable for their personal actions?


You did say that" How can God hold someone accountable for something God made them do?"

Are you saying that God makes people sin, or that people are not accountable for their personal actions?

You wrote:

They think they are doing this all on their own

I interpreted that as you saying people aren’t doing things on their own, that God is making them do it. So I replied with:

Well, it is still a personal choice, just as you chose to have God in your life. How can God hold someone accountable for something God made them do?

I was stating that if God made them do it how can He hold them accountable?

I think I misunderstood you when you wrote: "They think they are doing this all on their own"