High EGT
Gort! Klaatu barada nikto
Got home after a few days of R&R and discovered that the LINK LIGHT on my cable modem was not illuminated and of course no internet connection. All other systems, files and memory seem to be in order. Called COMCAST and was suggested I change the Ethernet cable. That done still have no light and after having one of their technicians make a house call he determined that the internet card is bad. The internet plug is integrated with the mother board so it was suggested by the guys at Geek Squad I install an internet card. That done and double checking the drivers I still have no Link Light. Anybody out there has had a similar problem and what was the solution. My system is a Dell Dimension running on Win XP.
Truth be known the house next door was struck by lightning while we were gone but we have no signs our house was struck or otherwise effected since none of the clocks were flashing, phone service is ok, and cable TV is ok.
Truth be known the house next door was struck by lightning while we were gone but we have no signs our house was struck or otherwise effected since none of the clocks were flashing, phone service is ok, and cable TV is ok.