"No Child Left Behind" (NCLB) Act — falling short even of the resources called for in


jack of all trades
NEA unveils budget shortfalls
in 'No Child Left Behind' law
The federal government is failing to give states and school systems the adequate resources to meet the testing and other requirements imposed by the so-called "No Child Left Behind" (NCLB) Act — falling short even of the resources called for in the law itself!

Disadvantaged children left behind

Additional teachers to serve children

English-learners left behind

Preschool children left behind

College students left behind



Originally posted by SuperGrover
NEA unveils budget shortfalls
in 'No Child Left Behind' law
The federal government is failing to give states and school systems the adequate resources to meet the testing and other requirements imposed by the so-called "No Child Left Behind" (NCLB) Act — falling short even of the resources called for in the law itself!

This is probably due to this stupid white only scholarship!!!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
"Left behind" children will never catch up without some form of parent participation. It's like the Dems whining about kids with no health insurance - even if they DID have health insurance, their crackhead "parents" need to take them to the doctor to make it worth anything.


New Member
did you notice how they talk alot about the "Additional students served if."....

I was looking for the number of students that had to stay home b/c there was no shcool for them to go to.

The NCLB program has this many programs... Please don't tell me that the FEDERAL Government is suppose to provide education for your kids too...
calculates full funding for NCLB and each of its 70 programs

If Bush is smart he knows that for years there has been a ton of wasted money/stolen money(in DC) and it's time these programs start running more effeciently and stop wasting tax payers money. That's why I say give me the money that you take in taxes(for education) and I'll insure my children get a proper education. Then you don't need federal programs to manage the money, it can be managed at the school level. This way you cut out alot of waste.


New Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
"Left behind" children will never catch up without some form of parent participation. It's like the Dems whining about kids with no health insurance - even if they DID have health insurance, their crackhead "parents" need to take them to the doctor to make it worth anything.

Why must everything be a democrap vs. repugnate with you people? Jeeezzzh!!!!!

I am a proud democrap and I whole heartedly agree. Its all about parents. As a matter of fact, that's it, 100% parents.

Since the beginning of Western Civilization, schools have been filled with poor and disadvantaged children, and the children persevered with no government intervention whatsoever. The secret? Between 8-3, you belong to the school. Between 3-8, you belong to the parent. Period. And it is the parents responsibility to make sure the child is properly prepared, and no less for the 8-3 school day. In otherwords, a gun is not part of a child's school supplies. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A49271-2004Feb17.html

Another thing most people don't think about is that the average student in America's public school system graduates with a 2-2.5 GPA and makes it through the rest of their life just fine, married, kids, 2 1/2 dogs a Volvo and a garage. While they're certainly not going to make it into MIT with that GPA, I certainly don't consider that left behind. You know how easy it is to get a 2.0? If kids cannot even keep a measily (sp?) 2.0 through 4 years, Federal funds ain't gonna help either.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by http
Why must everything be a democrap vs. repugnate with you people? Jeeezzzh!!!!!
Only the Socialist Health Insurance is a Dem vs. Rep thing - NCLB is a Bush-tard thing.


Originally posted by vraiblonde
"Left behind" children will never catch up without some form of parent participation. It's like the Dems whining about kids with no health insurance - even if they DID have health insurance, their crackhead "parents" need to take them to the doctor to make it worth anything.

Dare I say you are generalizing Vrai?:confused: