No more visits, use your Xbox to monitor Grandma


Lawful neutral

As part of research project, Edith Cowan University computer science honours student Laurence Da Luz developed software that utilised the built-in motion detection features within an Xbox Kinect to continually track a person’s movements in their home and ’learn’ their daily routine.

The system can identify when an individual’s activity is out of the ordinary - for example, if they miss a meal or don’t get out of bed.

The system then has the potential to contact a family member via SMS or email.


Registered User

The system can identify when an individual’s activity is out of the ordinary - for example, if they miss a meal or don’t get out of bed. Or when they are not home.

The system then has the potential to contact a gang member thug or thief via SMS or email.

It can also provide early warnings signs for for when the occupants may come home early, like for lunch, Mr Da Luz said.

“It continuously monitors daily activity and converts the data into a downloadable graph, giving a wider picture of the individual’s behavioural patterns, which is perfect for government entities, gang members, and general thugs” he said.

“For example, it could show if they are sleeping longer or moving around less than they were a month ago, which would help the unseemly people know of schedule changes and provide a time table for the most opportune time to break in.”