No signs at Fed-Ex

Brilliant move Danny-Boy, simply brilliant...

Signs have officially been banned. Scream all you want, just don’t show up with a message that could land on television screens or in media photos. If you bring them, security will insist you check them with the garbage bin attendants. And if you sneak them, you’ll be booted out of the stadium.

We watched a guy get escorted out Monday Night. I talked to a guy I work with who was in that section and he said he had a sign that said "Hey Danny, Let's Trade Vinny!"


Redskins find another way to alienate fan base - NFL - Yahoo! Sports

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Aww, Danny Boy got his feewings hurted :bawl:

Feelings? I don't think so.

Snyder is a PR guy and, from day one, has approached the team as an image, not a football team, and, to that end, he has tried to control the image as much as possible.

He fired Herzog and replaced him with a pet.

He ended all the free access stations had to the Skins and the name and image.

He bought up radio stations and ended long standing relations with long and well known outlets, both TV and especially radio.

A negative sign hurts his brand, his products image. Jack Kent Cooke used to look at losses as the thing that needed to be fixed, let the image take care of itself.



Nothing to see here
Feelings? I don't think so.

Snyder is a PR guy and, from day one, has approached the team as an image, not a football team, and, to that end, he has tried to control the image as much as possible.

He fired Herzog and replaced him with a pet.

He ended all the free access stations had to the Skins and the name and image.

He bought up radio stations and ended long standing relations with long and well known outlets, both TV and especially radio.

A negative sign hurts his brand, his products image. Jack Kent Cooke used to look at losses as the thing that needed to be fixed, let the image take care of itself.


He's made it to the top, Rolling Stone has announced him as the most hated owner in sports. Think he can control the national media?


I know nothing
Feelings? I don't think so.

Snyder is a PR guy and, from day one, has approached the team as an image, not a football team, and, to that end, he has tried to control the image as much as possible.

He fired Herzog and replaced him with a pet.

He ended all the free access stations had to the Skins and the name and image.

He bought up radio stations and ended long standing relations with long and well known outlets, both TV and especially radio.

A negative sign hurts his brand, his products image. Jack Kent Cooke used to look at losses as the thing that needed to be fixed, let the image take care of itself.


I see an Uprising in the making...

Viva La Revolucion!!!


All Up In Your Grill
Well crap. I definitely don't want to go to the Cowboys game now. I was gonna have a sign that said


<3 Nacho"


Is it a 'sign' if you paint the message on your chest? Just trying to think creatively. Not something I would do, but it probably would get you on tv.

Funny you say that. The same section where the guy got kicked out for the Vinny sign (Section 139) there was a girl in that had jeans and a bathing suite top on. On her stomach area she had "Will Freeze 4 Touchdown" written in big black letters. :lol:

Plenty of people, male and female, were coming down getting their picture taken with her


Feelings? I don't think so.

Snyder is a PR guy and, from day one, has approached the team as an image, not a football team, and, to that end, he has tried to control the image as much as possible.

He fired Herzog and replaced him with a pet.

He ended all the free access stations had to the Skins and the name and image.

He bought up radio stations and ended long standing relations with long and well known outlets, both TV and especially radio.

A negative sign hurts his brand, his products image. Jack Kent Cooke used to look at losses as the thing that needed to be fixed, let the image take care of itself.


biggest homer ever...:evil: