NO TAX $ FOR OFFSHORE JOBS--The fight against moving jobs
offshore is heating up on Capitol Hill. The Senate on March 4
passed 70-26 an amendment that would bar some federal contract
work from being performed overseas. The amendment to S. 1637 was
introduced by Sen. Christopher Dodd (D-Conn.), and, among other
things, would stop contractors from moving government work
offshore that once was done by federal employees. S. 1637,
backed by the Bush administration, would expand tax breaks that
encourage companies to move offshore. The AFL-CIO has called for
the bill to be recrafted to give additional incentives to keep
domestic manufacturing in the United States.
offshore is heating up on Capitol Hill. The Senate on March 4
passed 70-26 an amendment that would bar some federal contract
work from being performed overseas. The amendment to S. 1637 was
introduced by Sen. Christopher Dodd (D-Conn.), and, among other
things, would stop contractors from moving government work
offshore that once was done by federal employees. S. 1637,
backed by the Bush administration, would expand tax breaks that
encourage companies to move offshore. The AFL-CIO has called for
the bill to be recrafted to give additional incentives to keep
domestic manufacturing in the United States.