For your consideration ...
Been down with the worst stomach virus that I can recall. Today I graduated from the bed to the recliner. If someone would have broken into my home demanding "all of my $$ or I'll shoot", I'd probably would have chose the latter. You all good out there?
For future ailments, ferment some organic garlic. To do so, peel enough garlic cloves, then just slightly crush them, (this allows alliinase to be released and the honey to penetrate), to fill a quart mason jar about 3-4 inches from the top, then pour in raw honey, (never use processed honey), place something to hold down the garlic under the honey, and cap with a burping lid. In about 2 weeks they are ready. Eat about a clove a day, or more if wanting, to ward off illness or help recover. You could do four individual quart bottles at one time. These will store and last forever. And the honey, which will be watered down a bit, can be used as a cough syrup or to sooth a sore throat. It's a honey and garlic triple antiseptic, antibacterial, and antifungal tonic. Nature's medicine. It really does work.