North Carolina furniture?

John Z

if you will
Have any of you gone down to North Carolina for furniture? Is it worth it? Where is the best area? When driving past High Point a week ago, there were a hundred furniture outlet/store billboards. We're finally in the market to get a few rooms outfitted, and I'd like to know if going south to good ole' NC is a worthwhile endeavor....:shrug:

John Z

if you will
Well, we first want to buy a nice bedroom set (bed frame/headboard, dressers, end tables). Then a slightly lower price set for the guest bedroom. Then a dining room set (table, chairs, china cabinet). Our primary styling interest is arts&crafts/mission.


b*tch rocket
Have you been to Thompson's furniture in California? Last I was there they had some really nice stuff. Unfortunately, I'm kid poor, so any of that kind of furniture is merely to wish for. :bawl:

John Z

if you will
No, haven't been. We'll have to take a looksie. Thanks!

Shoot, even without kids, buying furniture will make me poor! :biggrin: You see how much good furniture costs? That's why I'm wondering if it is worth it to trek down to NC...


:rolleyes: I'm not buying anymore furniture until the kiddies go off to college.


Football season!
My family swears by going down to the stores in NC. They say even if you don't have a truck and need to rent a U-haul, it is worth it.

We have bought some furniture from a place called Gallahans in Fredericksburg. Good prices, and HUGE selections. They have things ranging from a $500 kids bedroom suit, to a $25k dining room table.

My parents got our case for going there instead of down to NC, but hey. We're lazy.


Sorry about that chief.
I've said it before, I'll say it again. Marlo. We got the LR set at a reasonable price, and waited for a special-3 years same as cash. $45 a month no interest. Of course, I've got 2 little kids and a dog & cat who love to sleep on the couch so it ain't Ethan Allen, but it's comfy & cleans up nice for company to come over & drink margaritas.


Well, about a dozen years ago, we saw the exact dining room set we wanted in a furniture store. We wrote down the manufacturer and all the numbers, call them up (in South Carolina), and got exactly the same thing for half price. We're talking about saving THOU$AND$!!!!!!!


Happy Camper!
Have you looked in to the warehouse dealers around here? My friend just bought new dining room and bedroom sets. Went to Raleys, wrote down all the numbers, went the warehouse place in Charlotte Hall (I think that's where it is) and got everything for like almost half.