Norv Turner is in...

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Awwwwwww, man. I can't stand to look at that guy. They should have not let Marty go.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
BS Gal said:
Awwwwwww, man. I can't stand to look at that guy. They should have not let Marty go.

:poorbaby: I feel for you. I hated watching him when he was with Washginton. Norv was a disaster as a head coach in the NFL and I can see him doing the same thing to SD.

Turner did not have much success in his last coaching job with an AFC West team, compiling a 9-23 record in two seasons with the Oakland Raiders before being fired in January 2006. Included in that record was a 1-11 mark against division opponents.

Turner previously coached the Washington Redskins from 1994-2000, guiding the team to the playoffs in 1999. He compiled a record of 51-62-1 with Washington before getting fired.

Good luck, SD. You're going to need it.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
BS Gal said:
Perhaps we will save the $200 this year and not buy the NFL package. He makes my eyes bleed.

You're not the only one. I wouldn't pay 50 cents to watch him. :barf:


jazz lady said:
You're not the only one. I wouldn't pay 50 cents to watch him. :barf:

You really should get into my cowbell theory... it drowned him out pretty nicely :yay:



New Member
Well the LAST former Redskins coach the Bolts hired did pretty well

I can only hope that Norv can do as well as Marty did with San Diego. What is it between the Skins and Chargers and coaches anyway? Marty coaches both Norv will coach both....and where did Joe Gibbs work before his first job with the Skins??? Why he was Don Coryell's assistant at San Diego!

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
dems4me said:
You really should get into my cowbell theory... it drowned him out pretty nicely :yay:


It's not about DROWNING him out - it's not looking at his smirky face and being irritated beyond all reason at his crappy, conservative play-calling. :burning: Besides, you don't HAVE a cowbell anymore. :neener:

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
big_poppa said:
With the talent that is on that team, do they need a coach?????

You can have the most talented group of players ever assembled, but if you don't have a coach to pull them together as a TEAM, you have nothing.


New Member
big_poppa said:
With the talent that is on that team, do they need a coach?????

That is actually a great point. Afterall, the Cowboys won a Super Bowl with Bozo the Switzer as coach.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
It's easy to bash...

...Norvel, but he is a damn good offensive coordinator. Anyone recall where he was last year and what they did?

I still agree it's a bad and/or odd choice. San Diego did not need help on the offense. Defense and discipline problems is what stopped them; not exactly Turners strong suites.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Yeah but...

RangerJohn said:
That is actually a great point. Afterall, the Cowboys won a Super Bowl with Bozo the Switzer as coach.

...that was a team that, in addition to being one of the all time greats talent wise, had already been to the top. Hell, their goal was to prove it was more them than Jimmy Johnson. The Chargers face a very different challenge; doing it for the first time.