Not another one!


Active Member
Ok, this one is not about making gay marriage legal, this is a fun "what if?"...Bear with me. Let's just say that gay marriage becomes legal. What do you call the partner? i.e. two guys get married, are they "husbands" or what? (I personally dislike the title.) Or here is a stretch. What if, (like it will ever happen) a gay man gets elected president. :yikes: What do you call the other half? I can already hear some of the names ya'll are thinking of, but I was thinking about this. So, let me have it. Give me your thoughts on what the legal *gasp* spouse would be called. :confused:


Aimhigh2000 said:
Ok, this one is not about making gay marriage legal, this is a fun "what if?"...Bear with me. Let's just say that gay marriage becomes legal. What do you call the partner? i.e. two guys get married, are they "husbands" or what? (I personally dislike the title.) Or here is a stretch. What if, (like it will ever happen) a gay man gets elected president. :yikes: What do you call the other half? I can already hear some of the names ya'll are thinking of, but I was thinking about this. So, let me have it. Give me your thoughts on what the legal *gasp* spouse would be called. :confused:

I think the PC term now-a-day's is lifestyle partner or life companion or something along those lines :shrug:


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Aimhigh2000 said:
Ok, this one is not about making gay marriage legal, this is a fun "what if?"...Bear with me. Let's just say that gay marriage becomes legal. What do you call the partner? i.e. two guys get married, are they "husbands" or what? (I personally dislike the title.) Or here is a stretch. What if, (like it will ever happen) a gay man gets elected president. :yikes: What do you call the other half? I can already hear some of the names ya'll are thinking of, but I was thinking about this. So, let me have it. Give me your thoughts on what the legal *gasp* spouse would be called. :confused:
Anything wrong with "spouse"?


Aimhigh2000 said:
What do you call the partner? i.e. two guys get married, are they "husbands" or what?

I think the dominant one should be called the husband. And the more submissive one should be called the bïtch.

Same for female couples.

Disclaimer for the humor impaired: The above was an attempt at humor. It was a sementic joke on the use of language and not meant to disparage the homosexual lifestyle in any way. So, if you're gay and you don't like my joke, you can just suck my ####.


Ken King said:
Which one changes their last name?

What an antiquated practice! Get with the 21st century man!

Noone changes their last name.

At the MOST, they hypenate.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Don't look, 2A!!!

I don't really like "partner". When someone introduces a same-sex person as their "partner", I never know if it's their honey or a business partner.

I think wife and husband is okay. "This is my husband." "This is my wife."

"I now pronounce you husbands (or wives). You may now kiss yo biatch."'s not right...hmmmm....



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Ken King said:
Which one changes their last name?
Maybe they could both change their name to a hyphenated hybrid. Mr. & Mr. Jones-Smith.

Really, in this day and age they can probably do whatever they want. Lots of women don't change their names anymore.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Maybe we will have groups of people...

...wanting to get married and they can just use a team name? Or a symbol, like Prince did? Or they can incorporate!

The #* family.

We can make up a new name! Husband is masculine. No good. Wife is female, no good. Why can't folks just use any name they like based on how they feel each day?

Must we ascribe to some ridgid, arbitrary nomenclature?


Active Member

Even my friends in the gay community can't decide. I wonder what the Canadian's call each other. It is legal up there, but I am not up to speed on my Canadian lingo 'eh.