Dead man running: Deceased congressman wins election in New Jersey
The congressman had a fatal heart attack in April
Many elections are marked by reports of dead people voting, but a dead person being elected is far less common. Yet that’s exactly what happened Tuesday when Rep. Donald Payne Jr. won a primary in New Jersey’s 10th Congressional District.
The beloved congressman and member of the Congressional Black Caucus suffered a fatal heart attack April 24, according to the New York Post.
The filing deadline for primary campaigns in New Jersey was in March. Congressman Payne was the only candidate to register.

The congressman had a fatal heart attack in April
Many elections are marked by reports of dead people voting, but a dead person being elected is far less common. Yet that’s exactly what happened Tuesday when Rep. Donald Payne Jr. won a primary in New Jersey’s 10th Congressional District.
The beloved congressman and member of the Congressional Black Caucus suffered a fatal heart attack April 24, according to the New York Post.
The filing deadline for primary campaigns in New Jersey was in March. Congressman Payne was the only candidate to register.

Dead man running: Deceased congressman wins election in New Jersey
The late Rep. Donald Payne Jr. has retained his seat representing New Jersey. His father also held the same seat and also died in office.