Not sure where this should go... Not really for debate but is political?


Active Member


Running Time: 105 minutes
Like hundreds of other exchange students living in Hamburg, Germany in the 1990s, Muhammad Atta, Ziad Jarrah and Marwan al-Shehhi were quiet, orderly tenants who never drew attention to themselves. But on September 11, 2001, they became part of the worst attack ever waged on U.S. soil. This daring drama sheds light on these young Islamic men who were transformed into Al Qaeda killers while in Hamburg--and who would eventually enact the diabolical plan that destroyed the Twin Towers. This semi-fictionalized dramatic account stars Karim Saleh, Kamel, Agni Tsangaridou and Omar Berdouni. Directed by Antonia Bird; written by Ronan Bennett and Alice Pearman. Widescreen.

For those of you with HBO this should be a good watch, inertesting subject and HBO films i always find to be very well done and good....


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
This daring drama sheds light on these young Islamic men who were transformed into Al Qaeda killers while in Hamburg--and who would eventually enact the diabolical plan that destroyed the Twin Towers. This semi-fictionalized dramatic account
This might piss me off if I think about it too much. More idiots sitting in front of their idiot box, thinking they're getting a history lesson when all they're getting is crap.


I agree Vrai. HBO did a movie in 1997, "Hostile Waters", about the sinking of a Soviet Yankee Class SSBN off of Bermuda in 1986, and it was supposed to be a factual account of what happened with a slight bit of artistic license thrown in. I was personally and very closely involved with that incident, and aside from the approximate location and the type of submarine involved, I didn't recognize anything factual in that movie.

Even worse, the movie took a serious anti-US slant by alledging that the submarine had been hit by a US submarine (a common Soviet allegation), and that there were a lot of sinister US activities going on at the time. The truth was that there were a lot of sinister activities going on, but they were all on the Soviet side of the fence.

I don't know who HBO hires to do it's history, but they don't do a very good job.


Active Member
Well i didnt feel this film took an anti-US view, infact the Jihadists relatives and wives called them morons and what not...


I watched it and it said nothing in the beginning about being semi-fictionalized.. it said it was based on known fact and evidence or whatever... Eitherway, I watched it but didn't like it... it was like they wanted us to feel sorry for Zarrad (sp?), etc.. and he was a good kid, fell into the wrong crowd. It was CRAP!!! Fock him! I was upset watching it last night...I felt they really truly wanted us to sympathize for their cause. It made it appear that their attack on us was JUSTIFIED... hell... it wasn't!!! Even Japan after they attacked us said "we have just woken up a sleeping Giant" they knew it was wrong... here in this movie it appeared that 1) they wanted us to have sympathy for the hijackers and 2) it was justified.... complete utterly focking bullshiat. I regret watching such crap and spending two hours of my life I'll never get back dedicated to that dumb azz movie.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Oh my!

infact the Jihadists relatives and wives called them morons and what not...

Morons! GASP!

...can you imagine what they would have called them had they done something REALLY bad? maybe blow up a federal building in Oklahoma City or abortion clinic or something. Then, they'd get called 'mad dog killers' or 'psychopath' or 'religious freak' or something.

Good heavens, what if they'd been the leaders of the worlds only power capable of shutting down animals like Saddam Hussien and spreading hope for a better tomorrow for the whole world or something? We'd have to bleep out the names they'd be called then.

Even on HBO.


Larry Gude said:
Morons! GASP!

...can you imagine what they would have called them had they done something REALLY bad? maybe blow up a federal building in Oklahoma City or abortion clinic or something. Then, they'd get called 'mad dog killers' or 'psychopath' or 'religious freak' or something.

Good heavens, what if they'd been the leaders of the worlds only power capable of shutting down animals like Saddam Hussien and spreading hope for a better tomorrow for the whole world or something? We'd have to bleep out the names they'd be called then.

Even on HBO.

Did you watch that crap lastnight :shrug: I'm in shock and outrage...:burning:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...don't have HBO.

Don't know nothin' about Tony Soprano nor Sex in the City. Hell, I don't even watch the much lauded 24.

While watching the History Channel I did see more about how dreadful things were in planning for the invasion of Japan in 1945; Predicted were at least 500,000 US casualites, maybe a million if we had to invade the whole island to quell them. At least 2,000,000 more Japanese deaths were figured. The problem? They simply would not quit.

I saw how Russia was closing in on Japan and how it was understood that if they invaded Japan, they'd probably never leave and God knows how many they'd have killed.

So, we drop two nukes, kill 130,000 or so, maybe double that number die from radiation and least 2,500,000 other people did NOT die. Japan is free today, not a Soviet satelite. Bag? good?

And I see, time and time again how bad WE are. How the US is the problem. How we shouldn't have dropped the bomb. How we're racist. How we're imperialists. How we've got cooties.

And I see who says this. Not the Japanese. Not the Germans. Americans. All Americans? Nope, it's the very people who benefit most from freedom, from the deaths of our fathers; dissenters. They KNOW damn well thier right to protest.

They know not one Goddamn thing about their responsibility to be right. Or even care.

More kids are dying now than need be in Iraq, including Iraqis, because the bad guys know Dan Rather and Mike Moore. They know how to defeat the un-defeatable; public opinion.

So, the blame US firsters go on and on, giving aid and comfort to the bad guys who want to draw just enough of our blood to get us to run, to stop helping people who lived under Saddam Effing Hussien reach for a better life.

Chris Mathews actually asked last night if the world is better off with Saddam gone, if the lack of WMD was actually worth it. He caught himself because when you boil it down, when you actually start to make the case that getting rid of Saddam might be bad, you finally get it.


Anyway, bad old USA, it's sad, but, it is what it is.


Larry Gude said:
...don't have HBO.

Don't know nothin' about Tony Soprano nor Sex in the City. Hell, I don't even watch the much lauded 24.

While watching the History Channel I did see more about how dreadful things were in planning for the invasion of Japan in 1945; Predicted were at least 500,000 US casualites, maybe a million if we had to invade the whole island to quell them. At least 2,000,000 more Japanese deaths were figured. The problem? They simply would not quit.

I saw how Russia was closing in on Japan and how it was understood that if they invaded Japan, they'd probably never leave and God knows how many they'd have killed.

So, we drop two nukes, kill 130,000 or so, maybe double that number die from radiation and least 2,500,000 other people did NOT die. Japan is free today, not a Soviet satelite. Bag? good?

And I see, time and time again how bad WE are. How the US is the problem. How we shouldn't have dropped the bomb. How we're racist. How we're imperialists. How we've got cooties.

And I see who says this. Not the Japanese. Not the Germans. Americans. All Americans? Nope, it's the very people who benefit most from freedom, from the deaths of our fathers; dissenters. They KNOW damn well thier right to protest.

They know not one Goddamn thing about their responsibility to be right. Or even care.

More kids are dying now than need be in Iraq, including Iraqis, because the bad guys know Dan Rather and Mike Moore. They know how to defeat the un-defeatable; public opinion.

So, the blame US firsters go on and on, giving aid and comfort to the bad guys who want to draw just enough of our blood to get us to run, to stop helping people who lived under Saddam Effing Hussien reach for a better life.

Chris Mathews actually asked last night if the world is better off with Saddam gone, if the lack of WMD was actually worth it. He caught himself because when you boil it down, when you actually start to make the case that getting rid of Saddam might be bad, you finally get it.


Anyway, bad old USA, it's sad, but, it is what it is.

This morning on the radio I heard them say Rather but the BS in CBS :lol:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
There's hope...

...Imus had on a reporter from the NY Times, well respected David Brooks, and asked him if we had it to do over should we still have gone to Iraq.

Without hesitation or reservation, he said yes. All he did was focus the question on where we were, where the world was, before we went in.



Active Member
I didnt feel it was wanting the view to sympathise with the terrorists, i felt it was showing how he fell into the trap... How many fall into the trap... I think it more showed that many muslims think it is infact stupid and wrong, they dont like the wackies...

Larry Gude

Strung Out

I didnt feel it was wanting the view to sympathise with the terrorists, i felt it was showing how he fell into the trap... How many fall into the trap... I think it more showed that many muslims think it is infact stupid and wrong, they dont like the wackies...

...what's next?

Tonight on HBO: Feel sorry for our erstwhile hero as one circumstance after another conspires to lead him down the wrong path...

"The Lt. was injured, both physically and emotional by the devestation wrought by a war. Not just any war but the Great War. It was a war not of his choosing. It was not of his making. However, he vowed the feeling of loss and devestation would never again touch his family, his land or his people. So, Adolph set out to deal with the hand life had dealt him..."

This society attacks and belittles people like Jerry Falwell who come on TV with no more than their opinion and their reasons for having that opinion. He is deried as far more than any sort of sympathetic all. He is reviled by many. never mind how our President is treated.

These men on TV chose to follow a faith and chose to follow their fellows and chose to become part of a plan that would DESTROY, was designed to destroy, men, women and children, of all walks of life, of all faiths, of all backgrounds. For what?

So they could rule. Or their leaders.

Next week on HBO:

"Joe Stalin, the developmental years; I'ts not my fault!"


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Wasn't it HBO that did that nasty Reagan movie, portraying him as this religious zealot? And he didn't even fly planes into buildings and kill people!



Super Genius
vraiblonde said:
Wasn't it HBO that did that nasty Reagan movie, portraying him as this religious zealot? And he didn't even fly planes into buildings and kill people!

That was Showtime.


vraiblonde said:
Wasn't it HBO that did that nasty Reagan movie, portraying him as this religious zealot? And he didn't even fly planes into buildings and kill people!


Actually that was showtime... I watched. it... :lol: :whack: