Nothing we haven't heard before

... but it's a bit comical what we put up with when taking some of these drugs.

Drug Side Effects Can Be Funny, Scary - Health News Story - WRC | Washington

Take weight-loss aid Alli, for example, which became a late-night punch line when it had an ad that recommended users wear dark pants and bring a change of clothes with them until they understood the drug's gastrointestinal effects.

According to, possible side effects of Paxil include mood changes, anxiety, panic attacks, trouble sleeping, irritability, agitation, aggressiveness, severe restlessness, mania, thoughts of suicide or hurting yourself.

Are these really any different from the symptoms one suffers through with depression, or perhaps even worse?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
See, I never understood why an anti-depressant might cause suicidal thoughts. :confused:

"OMG! I feel so great now! I think I'll kill myself!"


New Member
I'm on the minimal dose of Paxil, and I am depressed. If I don't take it, social anxiety creeps in and I can't leave the house. At least I get out and drag my depressed carcass around town, shopping, eating, lurking...etc
I was seriously messed up when the ex left. Doc put me on low-dose Prozac. It helped, but left me feeling really weird. I stopped taking it as soon as I could. I'd rather feel sad than weird anytime.


New Member
Yeah, like when you stop taking it, you feel electrical shocks, and at night my windows were flashing and I thought it was a storm, but then realised it was a withdrawal symptom, and then I got the worse insomnia ever, I wish i could get away with not taking it.:jameo:


Free to Fly
IMHO they need to find something else for you to be taking. There's got to be something you can take that won't make you feel like you're depressed or like the world is freaky or creeping you out. Maybe I'm just immune to everything but I've been on Prozac and on Cymbalta before and neither one weirded me out or depressed me. The Cymbalta actually helped to refocus me because I had been under so much stress with divorce and all of the hassles of that plus physical illness. Aw heck, maybe I'm just so "unique" I didn't notice all of the side effects!!!


New Member
Prozac made me calm, but I was depressed and didn't want to leave the house. Now I am depressed, calm, and I can leave the house if I have to.