NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Commissioners of St. Mary’s County will hold a Public Hearing Tuesday, April 26, 2022, at 9:30 a.m. in the Chesapeake Building, Commissioners of St. Mary’s County Meeting Room, located at 41770 Baldridge Street in Leonardtown to consider the adoption of the Resolution of St. Mary’s County Authorizing Execution of a Cable Franchise Agreement Between the County and Comcast of Maryland, LLC. Comcast currently has a cable franchise agreement with St. Mary’s County and has requested a renewal of this franchise.
Pursuant to Chapter 626 of the Cable Communications Policy Act, citizens are asked to comment on the cable operators’ past performance under the current franchise agreements as well as the community’s future cable-related needs.
The proposed Resolution and proposed Cable Franchise Agreement can be viewed at:
Those wishing to address the Commissioners may participate in-person or via teleconferencing, email, written correspondence or prerecorded video submission. The public hearing may also be viewed remotely on SMCG Channel 95 and on the St. Mary’s County Government YouTube Channel:
In lieu of appearance, comments may be submitted via:
a) Written Comments via email:
b) Mail: P.O. Box 653, Leonardtown, Maryland 20650
c) Call 301-475-4200, ext. 1234 to speak via telephone during the public hearing
d) Submit a three-minute video clip to no later than 5 p.m. May 3, 2022.
All submission will be considered by the Commissioners at the Public Hearing and/or seven (7) days following the Public Hearing.
Public Hearing guidelines are subject to change. Please note that as a result of this public hearing, the content of the proposed Resolution may change.
Appropriate accommodations for individuals with special needs will be provided upon request. In order to meet these requirements, we respectfully ask for one week’s prior notice. Please contact the County Commissioners Office at 301-475-4200, Ext. 1340. Proceedings are televised live and/or recorded for later broadcast on television. All content of these proceedings is subject to disclosure under the Maryland Public Information Act. Photographic and electronic audio and visual broadcasting and recording devices are used during the Commissioners’ meetings. These are public meetings and attendance at these meetings automatically grants St. Mary’s County Government permission to broadcast your audio and visual image.