I was wondering how the 2008 Democratic primaries are going to play out? If my esteemed colleague Mr. Larry is right, and Hillary runs, conventional wisdom is that she'll be the front runner, so Gore, Daschle, Edwards, Kerry, and the rest of the wannabees are going to have to play catch up and will need to make a lot of serious attacks on Clinton if they want to have a chance of beating her.
In elections past you could pretty much attack at will, and say anything you wanted about another contender, and when the race was over you all shook hands and the winner usually picked more than a few of the losers to work with him. And the losers generally started kissing the winner's ass in hopes of being appointed to a good cabinet post or even become VP. But Hillary has a pretty well documented history of harboring some serious animosity towards those who offend her (just ask George Stephenopopoper), so I'm wondering if the burning question for the 2008 primaries is as a challenger do you throw everything you have at her for a chance to win, or do you hit her with pillows to appease your personal ambition of running for President while not ruining your chances for post-election goodies from Clinton if she wins?
In elections past you could pretty much attack at will, and say anything you wanted about another contender, and when the race was over you all shook hands and the winner usually picked more than a few of the losers to work with him. And the losers generally started kissing the winner's ass in hopes of being appointed to a good cabinet post or even become VP. But Hillary has a pretty well documented history of harboring some serious animosity towards those who offend her (just ask George Stephenopopoper), so I'm wondering if the burning question for the 2008 primaries is as a challenger do you throw everything you have at her for a chance to win, or do you hit her with pillows to appease your personal ambition of running for President while not ruining your chances for post-election goodies from Clinton if she wins?