Now That Daschle is Going to Run



I was wondering how the 2008 Democratic primaries are going to play out? If my esteemed colleague Mr. Larry is right, and Hillary runs, conventional wisdom is that she'll be the front runner, so Gore, Daschle, Edwards, Kerry, and the rest of the wannabees are going to have to play catch up and will need to make a lot of serious attacks on Clinton if they want to have a chance of beating her.

In elections past you could pretty much attack at will, and say anything you wanted about another contender, and when the race was over you all shook hands and the winner usually picked more than a few of the losers to work with him. And the losers generally started kissing the winner's ass in hopes of being appointed to a good cabinet post or even become VP. But Hillary has a pretty well documented history of harboring some serious animosity towards those who offend her (just ask George Stephenopopoper), so I'm wondering if the burning question for the 2008 primaries is as a challenger do you throw everything you have at her for a chance to win, or do you hit her with pillows to appease your personal ambition of running for President while not ruining your chances for post-election goodies from Clinton if she wins?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I often think of you...

Bruzilla said:
If my esteemed colleague Mr. Larry is right, and Hillary runs, conventional wisdom is that I owe him a buck one of the wizened fathers around here.

Other times, I think the Florida sun is bad for you.

Tom Daschle, for any Presidential vanity he may have, is SPECIFICALLY running in order to position himself for post election boodle. As he stands now, defeated for re-election in his own state, scorned by the freaks who influence primaires so heavily as not having been tough enough on W as Senate majority and minority leader, he's smart enough to know he doesn't have a snowballs chance in hell.

Now, VEEP, that's a horse of a different color. He only need win one vote, hers, to see how an experienced mild mannered mid westerner may well balance out the East Coast elite thing.

Gore, if he is running, God bless him, should be gone before Iowa or New Hampshire. If not, he's lost his gourd. What is there for someone who was VEEP for 8 years and lost out for the big prize? There is only one person who would lose even more spectacularly from this group.

Speaking of Cap 'n Lose, Kerry is the most vain of the runway models which is, obviously, saying something. He is also the dumbest and the only one who makes Gore look like he has a pulse. We may be ready for a woman President but are we ever gonna be ready for a boy toy President?

Edwards is the only one of these four you mention who has a legitimate shot and would be playing, seriously, to win. As Kerry's spear carrier, he is free of Kerry's stain; he was only doing what the boss asked of him. I can see him battling with Hill fairly hard.

In review;

Dashle, well, sorry, NO WAY IN HELL he takes on Hill.

Gore, I'd pay money to see him get lippy with her, with there history.

Kerry, he's the man in the room who doesn't get the joke, him.

John Boy, why not?

Who else?

Bayh? He's a DLC guy. The DLC belonged to Bill. Gotta believe he'd be angling for Veep with his moderate and midwestern credentials, not crossing the Boss.

Biden? Wildcard. I'd pay to see him cross swords with the old girl.

Richardson? Another Veep slot guy.

I don't know who else on the various lists is actually considered a possibility though there are plenty of moderates without the far left stain.

All I know are two things:

1. Hillary is well positioned without to much of the ugliness and venom associted with Gore, Kerry, Dean and the hard left crowd and she is still the STAR.


2. You should have been collecting cans all this time so as to more gently be able to cut loose with THE dollar.

I already have frame for it and I'll cover postage if you'd autograph it.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:

2. You should have been collecting cans all this time so as to more gently be able to cut loose with THE dollar.

I already have frame for it and I'll cover postage if you'd autograph it.
Will there be an awards ceremony?


Pete's Political Pontifications

I don't believe Daschel will actually go through with it. After leaving the Senate, an ousted incumbent in a leadership role I think this "run" is simply a bruised ego talking. When it gets closer he will see the overwhelming poll numbers against him and stop short. His handlers and the DNC knowing how another crushing defeat will affect him will do their best to talk him out of it. He does not have the charisma to appeal to either the far left or the centrists and they know it. It would be even worse for him in a general election.

Kerry has one advantage over Gore. He had nearly 50% of the popular vote and they are only 4 years removed. Unfortunately for him, and much to his surprise he is going to find out that much of that near 50% were NOT in love with him but were in fact yellow dog democrats or votes against Bush. Given the chance to vote for ANYONE other than Kerry they will in droves and he will thus end his aspirations for higher office forever in 2008. He will not drop out early because his ego will not allow it. That being said in the early running he will thrash H as much as anyone. He tried to run on his record and that sucked ass, and he is smarting from but yet admiring the Swift Boat tactics so I look for him to use other groups to thrash H as well. I don't believe Kerry wants to be, nor gives a rats ass about being VP so his gloves will be off.

Gore, is a joke of epic proportions. If he runs he will be decimated within weeks by video and sound bites of his last 8 years of rabid, foaming at the mouth lunacy.

Edwards biggest mistake was letting go of his Senate seat. BUT then again it may have been a tactical move because it looked alot like he was going to lose it anyway. Much better to let it go than to be kicked out of it. (See: Daschel) He is now an outsider and I am not sure if the "Silky Pony" will be able to command the audience he used to. One thing is for sure in my opinion charisma is 60% -70% of the sell to many people and Edwards is probably the front runner among Democrats in the "charm department". Without "Lt Dan" Kerry strapped to his back he may be able to motor through. Many democrats see Edwards as their chance to rekindle the glitter that was Camelot. Unfortunately I think Edwards loves H and wants to have her baby and will not attack like he should.

Bidden form the great state of Delaware and the pocket book of the left wing of the DuPont family will surprise people at first, then fade. In the wasting years since the GOP take over in 94 Bidden has had an opportunity to spew his vitriol like he loves to; Problem is he sucks at it. He comes across and a whiny man of privilege who is just a plain old ass. I am not even sure most of Delaware likes the man. He probably should have his TV graphics read "Joseph Bidden D- DuPont". If John Kerry could not pull off "I am an average guy fighting for you" Mr. $10,000 suit, scarf wearing, slicked back hair, pinky extended Bidden will not come close.

Hillary if she runs, which I do not think is a lock, will be slammed with a withering attack. I would not be surprised if the GOP starts attacking her right out of the gate. Hillary is in a unique position; People either hate her guts or think she is Elenore Roosevelt reincarnate. Those lines are firmly established and I sincerely doubt that there are that many undecideds she will win over because she really has no charisma what so ever, poor speaker, poor (the House of Representative is run like a plantation, except when Tip O'Neil ran it then it was OK) judgment.

She is also a woman, sad to say there are a bunch of democrat leaner's in the south, male and female who wont vote for her period. (See: Libby Dole)

She also has Slick Willie in the background smiling and many people view her as an accomplice to his many transgressions.

IF Hillary wins the nomination it will be a horrible nasty fight in the general election.
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Iron City
Pete said:
I don't believe Daschel will actually go through with it. After leaving the Senate, an ousted incumbent in a leadership role I think this "run" is simply a bruised ego talking. When it gets closer he will see the overwhelming poll numbers against him and stop short. His handlers and the DNC knowing how another crushing defeat will affect him will do their best to talk him out of it. He does not have the charisma to appeal to either the far left or the centrists and they know it. It would be even worse for him in a general election.

Kerry has one advantage over Gore. He had nearly 50% of the popular vote and they are only 4 years removed. Unfortunately for him, and much to his surprise he is going to find out that much of that near 50% were NOT in love with him but were in fact yellow dog democrats or votes against Bush. Given the chance to vote for ANYONE other than Kerry they will in droves and he will thus end his aspirations for higher office forever in 2008. He will not drop out early because his ego will not allow it. That being said in the early running he will thrash H as much as anyone. He tried to run on his record and that sucked ass, and he is smarting from but yet admiring the Swift Boat tactics so I look for him to use other groups to thrash H as well. I don't believe Kerry wants to be, nor gives a rats ass about being VP so his gloves will be off.

Gore, is a joke of epic proportions. If he runs he will be decimated within weeks by video and sound bites of his last 8 years of rabid, foaming at the mouth lunacy.

Edwards biggest mistake was letting go of his Senate seat. BUT then again it may have been a tactical move because it looked alot like he was going to lose it anyway. Much better to let it go than to be kicked out of it. (See: Daschel) He is now an outsider and I am not sure if the "Silky Pony" will be able to command the audience he used to. One thing is for sure in my opinion charisma is 60% -70% of the sell to many people and Edwards is probably the front runner among Democrats in the "charm department". Without "Lt Dan" Kerry strapped to his back he may be able to motor through. Many democrats see Edwards as their chance to rekindle the glitter that was Camelot. Unfortunately I think Edwards loves H and wants to have her baby and will not attack like he should.

Bidden form the great state of Delaware and the pocket book of the left wing of the DuPont family will surprise people at first, then fade. In the wasting years since the GOP take over in 94 Bidden has had an opportunity to spew his vitriol like he loves to; Problem is he sucks at it. He comes across and a whiny man of privilege who is just a plain old ass. I am not even sure most of Delaware likes the man. He probably should have his TV graphics read "Joseph Bidden D- DuPont". If John Kerry could not pull off "I am an average guy fighting for you" Mr. $10,000 suit, scarf wearing, slicked back hair, pinky extended Bidden will not come close.

Hillary if she runs, which I do not think is a lock, will be slammed with a withering attack. I would not be surprised if the GOP starts attacking her right out of the gate. Hillary is in a unique position; People either hate her guts or think she is Elenore Roosevelt reincarnate. Those lines are firmly established and I sincerely doubt that there are that many undecideds she will win over because she really has no charisma what so ever, poor speaker, poor (the House of Representative is run like a plantation, except when Tip O'Neil ran it then it was OK) judgment.

She is also a woman, sad to say there are a bunch of democrat leaner's in the south, male and female who wont vote for her period. (See: Libby Dole)

She also has Slick Willie in the background smiling and many people view her as an accomplice to his many transgressions.

IF Hillary wins the nomination it will be a horrible nasty fight in the general election.

JPC Jr. Runs on the Southern Maryland "Child Support is Unfair to freeloaders and convicts who are too lazy and disabled to work for a living. It's a lock!



I think that the one dynamic that's being overlooked is Gore. Did you see him giving his anti-Bush speech with all the flags behind him... the same image as when he was running? That's no coincidence. More importantly, Gore knows where all of Hillary's skeletons are buried. He could be the royal barn burner for Hillary if it starts to look like he has nothing to lose. Even better, Hillary will have a tough time defending herself from a lot of first-hand eyewitness accounts of life in the Clinton White House from Gore, so she'll be forced to take the "Say Nothing And Take The High Road" defense that is pretty worthless in today's politics. So... I think that if Gore and Clinton both run, not only do I owe Larry that buck, but they may very well cancel each other out.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Hillary if she runs, which I do not think is a lock,

If I'm gonna be a dollar richer, I my as well be 2.

Betcha one US greenback Hillary runs for Prez in '08.

And the GOP will not touch her with a 10 foot pole until and unless she wins the nomination, what, with all those Democrats lining up, many of who will be in the race to win and thus will either fight her or waste their time.

Willy Horton was no GOP add. Prince Albert started that.


Larry Gude said:
If I'm gonna be a dollar richer, I my as well be 2.

Betcha one US greenback Hillary runs for Prez in '08.

And the GOP will not touch her with a 10 foot pole until and unless she wins the nomination, what, with all those Democrats lining up, many of who will be in the race to win and thus will either fight her or waste their time.

Willy Horton was no GOP add. Prince Albert started that.
I'm not going to take the bet because I am uncertain. I think Hillary knows without a doubt if she runs she will cause a political tsunami the likes of which have never been seen before. She has ALOT to fear, and ALOT of skeletons. Can she withstand it? I dunno.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Cavuto did a breathless campaign piece for Shrillary, talking about all these other woman leaders - that new chickie in Germany, etc. - and saying that this sets the stage for Hillary in '08. Some NOW kennedy was on saying absolutely it's time for a woman President, yadda yadda, and some guy from the GOP was saying "No way, the US can't afford a woman Prez"


Finally the GOP guy's brain engaged and he said, "Yes, I think Condi Rice would make a fine President." Durhard - took ya long enough. :rolleyes:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Pete said:
I'm not going to take the bet because I am uncertain. I think Hillary knows without a doubt if she runs she will cause a political tsunami the likes of which have never been seen before. She has ALOT to fear, and ALOT of skeletons. Can she withstand it? I dunno.

...does she have to fear?

For eight years she was under the spotlight dealing with a cheating husband, a failed healthcare plan of her own making, endless accusations of 'problems' with the Rose law firm and billing records pertaining to Whitewater and Web Hubbel, Billy Dale and the travel office scandal which was her making, a suicide of a man she allegedly was having an affair with, accusations that she had something to do with his death, Craig Livingston and the FBI files and...what else?

Since then, she has won, all by herself, a seat in the US Senate and has set out to build a solid, fairly middle of the road voting record that is immune to 'too far left anti war freak' charges AND is palatable to moderate Democrats in that she is saying the President made plenty of mistakes and that had we all known then what we know now, she'd have voted differently.

She's been to charm school, making road trips with Chris Mathews to trial run some things AND work on composure. There is no hue and cry from New Yorkers, at least not the ones that put here there, that she's failed them and is just using them as a stepping stone.

Fears? Skeletons? How about 'bulletproof'???

All she has to do now is mea culpa when the heat gets really high and, viola, moderate stew.

"Those were some really tough days, trying to serve my husband and all these things being thrown at us. With all the things going it is was terribly difficult to keep going some days but, in the end, the American people felt we were doing the right thing, fighting back, that the President did NOT deserve to be impeached or removed from office, and, when it was finally all done, I just wanted a chance at redemption, to work for the American people, to do the good I set out to do a long time ago and not be trapped in events beyond my control from 20 years ago."

In the primary, who's gonna beat her? Who has real stature, real stroke and is gonna stand up and say "You guys were the biggest crooks in the history of the Whitehouse and I am not going to let you get away with it!"

My God, even Joe Lieberman voted against removal, so how is anyone gonna be able to say she did not suffer enough? Anyone who says 'tell us the truth about Rose and the billing records' is gonna be set upon like locust and make reporting of the swift boat story sound like the most thoroughly vetted issue in history. They'll be buried alive before the media EVER asks any tough questions.

That leaves some 'mean old Republican' to do the heavy lifting.

What's Rush Limbaugh gonna say that wasn't talked to death 10 years ago?

What's a candidate gonna do, reveal membership in the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy? Go on the attack and be accussed of having no positions, no platform other than negative attacks and character assassination?

She's running for President of the US, not trying to win a GOP primary.

She starts, STARTS with 50,000,000 votes. Who's her opponent? Who's gonna get 51% over her?

If she physically looks good and has her temper under control and can come back with some charm and even a tiny bit of flirt, of warmth, well...

Mind you, she starts baring her fangs and spending all her time being defensive, she'll implode.

But damn, knowing what NOT to do is 1/2 way to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
has her temper under control
This is her problem - she has no self-control. That "plantation" remark on MLK day is proof that she hasn't learned a damn thing. She will be the Howard Dean of 2008, you mark my words.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

vraiblonde said:
This is her problem - she has no self-control. That "plantation" remark on MLK day is proof that she hasn't learned a damn thing. She will be the Howard Dean of 2008, you mark my words.

...I'm counting on you being right. I don't see anyhting else stopping her