Now that that is settled...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...USC or Texas???

And is there ANY doubt about Bush for Heisman?

And would you take him, Houston Texans, #1?


Nothing to see here
Larry Gude said:
...USC or Texas???

And is there ANY doubt about Bush for Heisman?

And would you take him, Houston Texans, #1?

Texas by 10 in the bowl. USC hasn't played a defensive team the caliber of Texas. Bush will get his yards, but Texas picks off a bunch of Leinhart passes.

Bush definitely gets the Heisman and goes to Houston #1.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Wow... 10, huh?

OK. That's one. Any other takers?

I watched Ohio State/Texas. I'm not so hot on Texas as a team and Vince strikes me as that Vick type; unreal athelete who does NOT make his teamates better; one dimensional.

How does a team with two Heisman hopefuls lose to a team with one?


Nothing to see here
Larry Gude said:
How does a team with two Heisman hopefuls lose to a team with one?

Leinhart, even tho he won the Heisman last year, is blessed by having a ungodly talented offensive team around him. His best days are right now, once he hits the pros his days are numbered. Bush is the real deal, IMO he is the best running back in college since Barry Sanders. He stays healthy(mind and body) in the pros, every major rushing record will be his.

My reasoning for saying Texas by 10 is because I believe Texas's defense is way quicker than anyone USC has played this year. Also, I believe Pete Carroll will try to be too cute against Texas. For USC to win, they need to keep the ball on the ground almost exclusively(with Bush) and Carroll won't do that. He will try to showcase an all-around offense by spreading the ball around to his receivers and ball carriers. The passing game will be USC's downfall, either via sacks, fumbles or interceptions.

All of Texas's offensive plays are going to start with their playmaker with the ball and he is the best college QB this year and the second most athletic guy on the field for this game.


New Member
After seeing USC in person, I can tell you this: that offense is absolutely amazing. Matt Leinhart can thread a pass into just about any passing lane and Reggie Bush is just amazing (ND didn't cut the grass for two weeks and he still ran like the wind and was able to jump over people). The defense is suspect, however, but I really don't see UT's offense as being as capable of exploiting that weakness as other teams. Plus I do not have high regard for the Big XII and I think that Texas is lucky to have beaten OSU (OSU dropped some key passes and Jim Tressel stupidly changed quarterbacks). Furthermore, coaching tilts strongly towards Pete Carrol over Mack Brown, who has had an absolutely awful time at winning the big game in his career (he's been on the hot seat for years because of that).

As much as it pains me to say this...USC is probably going to end up the winner in this one in a game that will be more like the Orange Bowl blowout last year rather than the "game of the century" that the media has hyped it to be so far.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...I hear you saying, otter, that Texas is truly one dimensional on offense and that USC's coaches are gonna end up dumping to much pressure on their D and that the D can't stop one dimension. Yes?

As for you young man, you have no idea how awesome it is to us that you ATTENDED a Notre Dame game, AT HOME, against a legendary opponent; USC. WOW! WOW!!!!!!

In any event, if USC is so good on offense, how come they had to go down to the last play to beat you guys? I love ND but come on, you had a charmed season. You're not THAT good yet. Maybe otter has it; USC has a coaching problem or maybe they're not THAT good?

I can not imagine the high as ND took the field with SC sitting across the way, waiting for them. Goose bump city!!!


New Member
Mr. Gude,

We are THAT good on offense. The ND offense is able to get involved in a shoot out with anyone. Why did ND play USC so closely? A couple reasons: 1) USC-ND is the greatest intersectional rivalry in college football and Coach Weis pumped his players up to play in this year's installment like none other (rivalry games bring out the best in teams), 2) The ability of the ND offense to return fire against the USC offense after it scored (preventing USC from gaining confidence and ND from losing it), and 3) Matt Leinhart did not have a good day (but he has such talent and presence of mind that he can turn it on quickly to do some amazing things). That was why ND played USC closely.

I do not see a coaching problem in USC...Pete Carrol really is one of the best (though his style of coaching really angers me). Even though there is a new offensive coordinator, USC actually went up this year in yardage. And Otter, I disagree about Carrol wanting to showcase the balance of his offense. Against UCLA, USC came out running Bush just about every play because UCLA is awful against the run. Carrol will do whatever he needs to in order to win.

Now USC does have weaknesses, especially on defense. But, I do not see Texas being able to take advantage of that because quite frankly their offense just does not impress me much. I am not sold on Vince Young and I definitely have no confidence in Mack Brown. USC may be held to a lower offensive putout than normal because Texas does have a solid defense, but that still means close to 30 points and 450 yards. The teams that give USC troubles are ones with high-powered offenses, and since Texas does not have that, I don't think that they are going to compete very well. I still hold to my idea that USC will win by more than two touchdowns.

(About the ND was so amazing to go to all of our games this year; I feel truly lucky to have that opportunity for four years. If you ever get the opportunity to go to an ND football game at ND Stadium, do not, do not pass it up. It is the greatest experience in sport. The ND-USC game was just plain amazing and when the Irish came out in those green jerseys you could hear the spirits of Rockne, Leahy, the Gipp, Bertelli, and the rest of them...just nothing has ever been like it).

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Larry Gude said:
...USC or Texas???

And is there ANY doubt about Bush for Heisman?

And would you take him, Houston Texans, #1?
Well he got it, and I say no to going to the Texans. Houston is good in the running dept. Between Davis and Wells we don't need any more. What we need is Offensive linemen (and hopefully a new coach and GM). I would like to see Houston trade the first pick to a team for some good Veteran linemen. If the line can give Carr more than 2 steps to throw the ball, the whole offense will do better.
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Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
You see. Another loss due to having lack of a passing game. Carr sacked 5 times, I believe, before the end of the half. Time to fire the kicker for missing and easy field goal to tie the game at the end. I mean come on, it was only 31 yards!!!!!!!
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