NRA pulls out

Larry Gude

Strung Out
This is a perfect example of making an issue...

...where none exists.

C'bus is one of the cleanest, and safest cities in the US. After spending 5 days there earlier this month for our convention (and having had visited twice before over the last 6-7 years) which happens to be held at the same site the NRS was going to use, I can say, without reservation or hesitation, that we saw NONE, ZERO assault weapons. No pistol grips. No zillion round mags. Not even a handgun or a box cutter.

I can tell you, however, that the freak show must be in town because they just instituted a smoking ban this year so I guess banning more things just naturally follows.

Stamp out liberty in your home town, then take your road show national.

I wonder if Democrats ever notice that they are the party, in the land of the free and home of the brave, of banning things?


New Member
From the article:

Mayor Michael Coleman said that the NRA and other groups will not dictate city policy and that the ban will make Columbus safer, which will attract other convention business.

I just heard that the APSR (Association of Purse Snatchers and Robbers) have scheduled their next convention there in light of there being no armed citizens able to protect themselves. :lmao:


I bowl overhand
sale or possession of semiautomatic rifles with pistol grips and detachable magazines

Friggin idiots.. most .22 claibre rifles meet this criteria.. You KNOW Md and DC are going to follow suit too!!


I bowl overhand
as in.. Who gets to define what a "pistol" grip is?? I've got a competition 22, that the only thing that would prevent it being illegal in comubus ia it's a bolt action..


I bowl overhand
THEN ya have to wonder how many crimes, murders were committed using these "Assault" weapons, say compared to stabbings, or knives used in the same type of crime...


Super Genius
itsbob said:
as in.. Who gets to define what a "pistol" grip is?? I've got a competition 22, that the only thing that would prevent it being illegal in comubus ia it's a bolt action..
Pistol grips are, by definition, on pistols. Rifle grips are, also by definition, on rifles. Therefore, any grip on a rifle cannot be a "pistol grip" which means that there are no guns that the ban applies to. Live by the lawyer, die by the lawyer.


New Member
This is a PERFECT example of how STUPID some Democrats can be. Clinton's AWB did nothing to reduce crime, that's whay it isn't around today. This is nothing more than the gun-grabbers taking a little bit (at a time) until there is nothing left of the Second Amendment.