Nude Thead?


Enjoying life!
Nude Threads?

The latest Arnold drudge here:

Does it matter? Ben Franklin smoked pot, and taunted the ex-British aristocracy every chance he had, in the free Colonies. His portrait is on the $100; Wash. is on the $1 (for exposure); and Lincoln is on the $5 (for exposure?).

Do pictures like this matter to us, or Californians? Were bill portraits chosen for achievement, personnality, or staying power? Having read a little about Franklin, give me a Franklin any time!! I believe I would have liked him...

Who cares if AS posed for Maplethorpe? Maplethorpe, seems to me, had enough issues to deal with.
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TWLs wife

New Member
Originally posted by *archimedes*



Not dead yet.
It's nice to see something more about his work than just the controversial crucifix in a jar of urine picture that brought him the public eye. Given the high quality of his other work you demonstrated here, I think it says unflattering things about society that the disgusting work got noticed, while his beautiful work was ignored.

It still rankles me that NEA funds were used to pay for the controversial stuff (although perhaps I don't understand the whole picture there either). To those that might be wondering how an obvious Christian could say nice things about Robert Mapplethorpe, I would remind you that Christians are charged to love the sinner and hate the sin.

Thanks for the in-depth info.


Not dead yet.
Admittedly, it's been a few years and so my memory is pretty fuzzy, but burned into my brain is an image (that I believe was Mapplethorpe) of a mason jar about 2/3 full of pee with a crucifix set into it.

Thanks again for presenting some of his more beautiful images to me.