Nunchuck fight!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You're not missing much...

LordStanley said:
Damn, foiled by NMCI again

...two kids who happen to have nunchucks and some basic training go after each other and, in seconds, it turns into an ugly, knock down, drag out street fight with no nunchucks.

Not exactly how Bruce Lee showed us they work.


Witchy Woman
When I was a kid my dad brought my little brother some of those nunchuck things he had picked up for him on a trip Mexico. Big heavy wooden ones.

My brother was outside by the back sliding glass door swinging them like crazy when I walked out the door and BAM! He hit me right in the head and knocked me out cold.



100% Goapele Head!
What a perfect opening for the Chuck Norris comments to start again. :whistle:

My son still has his from his 05 Halloween Costume. He got a knot on his head from those things.


Well-Known Member
I learned how to use nunchaku as well as several other "dangerous" martial arts weapons when I was in high school. When I was in college, my summer job for a couple of years was night watchman at Barry Farms swimming pool. For those of you who might not be familiar with "the Farms" I can only tell you that people thought I was crazy to ride my bike over there every night for a minimum wage job. It was, and is, a tough place. On a hot summer night a dip in the pool was quite a treat. My job? Keep the wannabe Mark Spitzs out of the pool. Wonderful job, right? In order to develop a little rep and keep the brotha's cool I would perform my nunchaku ritual prior to going on duty at night. I would stand by the pool working out with two sets of nunchaku. Every now and then I would bring a Shuriken (throwing star) and practice using a piece of styrofoam or a box as a target.

The fellas must have thought I was the second coming of Bruce Lee because for some reason, I never had any problem with unauthorized activity at the pool....of course this was 30+ years ago before Barry Farms was fully armed. I wouldn't even bother now... :lol: