Nuthin' MSM Can't Spin Against Sarah:


No Use for Donk Twits
Now She's Too Popular

Is there nothing—nothing?—that the MSM won't try to spin against Sarah Palin? They've turned the matter of her Down syndrome son into a suggestion she will neglect her child. Twisted the news of her daughter's pregnancy into a "damaging revelation" that will cause her image to "suffer." Now, in perhaps the most acrobatic stunt yet, Andrea Mitchell has suggested that the intensity of Palin's popularity . . . could be a bad thing.

Nuthin' MSM Can't Spin Against Sarah: Now She's Too Popular

Love these reporters and their convoluted thinking. Beginning to think that having such intellectual lightweights such as Andrea on the tube is affecting the reasoning of the jokers who watch PMSNBC. My apologies to Andy in advance.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Yeah, because that what's his face Obama guy - he's practically a recluse.


Is there really no end to Leftwing idiocy and hypocrisy???


No Use for Donk Twits
Next thing will be some loon on Kos posting Palin's unqualified because she gets discount spectacles and her husband gets his Viagra from Canada.