NY Times Goes to War on Tucker Carlson


PREMO Member
Confessore relied on anonymous sourcing and hostile characterizations of the host’s populist- conservative opinions to bluntly declare both his show and Carlson himself as racist. The headline to Part 1, blared on Sunday's front page, set the tone for this extraordinarily long and completely hostile series, one of the longest things your scribe can remember reading from the Times: “How Tucker Carlson Stoked White Fear to Conquer Cable News.”

Without even a nod to journalistic strictures, Confessore, with a background in liberal journalism, seemed to have personal animus against Carlson.

….Mr. Carlson has constructed what may be the most racist show in the history of cable news -- and also, by some measures, the most successful. Though he frequently declares himself an enemy of prejudice -- “We don’t judge them by group, and we don’t judge them on their race,” Mr. Carlson explained to an interviewer a few weeks before accusing impoverished immigrants of making America dirty -- his show teaches loathing and fear. Night after night, hour by hour, Mr. Carlson warns his viewers that they inhabit a civilization under siege -- by violent Black Lives Matter protesters in American cities, by diseased migrants from south of the border, by refugees importing alien cultures, and by tech companies and cultural elites who will silence them, or label them racist, if they complain.

Migrants did cross the border without the aid of COVID passports, some surely carrying the Coronavirus. BLM protests often devolved into riots. And the bias of tech companies and cultural elites against conservatives is undeniable.

Confessore whined about Carlson pointing out the supposedly non-existent “invasion” of illegal immigrants headed toward America’s southern border. Mark Hemingway noted the paper chose an odd photo to discredit that conspiracy.



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The Attempted Removal of Tucker Carlson​

The guy on the left notes that this could be a psy-op to actually boost Carlson without appearing to do so, but Callun points out that the left really does have an insane view of the world and anyone not like them. It's worth a watch.
