Obama and diplomacy...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Denver drama: Can Clintons get over it? - John F. Harris - Politico.com

But he has taken few of the extra steps that Clinton allies say would have gone miles toward fostering goodwill.

He did not work hard to help her retire her $24 million campaign debt.

He did not make a high-profile statement repudiating any suggestion that Bill Clinton played “the race card” in the nomination contest — an allegation that the former president considers grossly unfair and that continues to infuriate him.

Just as significant, Obama has maintained a certain cool diffidence toward the former president. They spoke by phone last week. But for weeks before that, associates said, Clinton had heard nothing and did not even know when he would be speaking at the convention. The Obama campaign’s only communication was a form letter sent to all delegates.

If he can't make nice with the major players in his own party, what's he gonna do with someone who is really out to get over on him? It's just stunning that he didn't just embrace (and defuse) them right after he secured the nomination.

Why? Temperament? Thought process? Perspective? Why piss off the people you need most to be, if not happy about it, firmly supportive of you?
Denver drama: Can Clintons get over it? - John F. Harris - Politico.com

If he can't make nice with the major players in his own party, what's he gonna do with someone who is really out to get over on him? It's just stunning that he didn't just embrace (and defuse) them right after he secured the nomination.

Why? Temperament? Thought process? Perspective? Why piss off the people you need most to be, if not happy about it, firmly supportive of you?

Larry Gude

Strung Out


...that's a given for all of them. You're supposed to be able to hide that and suck up to whomever you have to. Not doing so isn't arrogance. To me, it's a sign of miscalculation.

I swear, if I ran McCain's campaign, I'd jump all over this as part of the inexperience theme.

"If Barack Obama can't even sit down and get along with members of his own party, how is he going to do with all these world leaders he can't wait to sit down with and chat? You know; The ones that have different world interests than ours."


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The Clintons are done - Obama doesn't need them. Bill acted like an ass during the primaries, and Hillary is yesterdays news. They've alienated so many people over the years and I'm sure many are secretly happy to see Hillary go down in flames.

You said yourself that Democrats suffer from Clinton fatigue and are embarrassed by them. Now they have Obama to get behind, and he has a real shot at the White House - no need to kiss the Clinton ring. And Hillary isn't going to really support Obama no matter what he does. She wants to WIN.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

The Clintons are done - Obama doesn't need them.

So, all these Hillary supporters who say they'll vote for McCain are not telling the truth? The polls are wrong? Obama is on the way to losing what should have been an easy win for the Dems.

Maybe you're right. Maybe he doesn't need them.


aka Mrs. Giant
I tell you I really didn't pay much attention to the Dems, other than stating several times and loudly, that I didn't want Hilliary as Pres as I felt she would set women back several generations in politics and the world. But now, I am really wishing she had won. "Better the devil you know"


aka Mrs. Giant
...'we'? How about all the people that want him to win? Maybe I'm missing something here.

You are basically saying no votes against him count, and no votes for him count, cause no matter what he's getting elected. If that's the case, why do WE bother voting?

Larry Gude

Strung Out

You are basically saying no votes against him count, and no votes for him count, cause no matter what he's getting elected. If that's the case, why do WE bother voting?

I started the thread saying he was making a mistake not cultivating a good relationship with the Clinton's. Kiss and make up. Praise the Clinton 90's, especially in comparison to the Bush years, etc, in order to appease them and assuage their supports, some 30% whom say they may well vote for McCain.

Then Vrail said the Clinton's don't matter which I read to mean that the Hillary voters are probably gonna come back and vote Dem, Obama, anyway to which I said 'maybe you're right.'

Help me here.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
So, all these Hillary supporters who say they'll vote for McCain are not telling the truth?

I think they're holding their breath in a childish tantrum. They will indeed vote for Obama - they just want to piss and moan about their candidate not getting the nomination, and make empty threats.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

I think they're holding their breath in a childish tantrum. They will indeed vote for Obama - they just want to piss and moan about their candidate not getting the nomination, and make empty threats.

...grandma swears she's voting McCain over Obama! And some folks pop & M knows tell them the same thing! And she's not voting for him. This is my anecdotal research!



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
...grandma swears she's voting McCain over Obama! And some folks pop & M knows tell them the same thing! And she's not voting for him. This is my anecdotal research!

They're lying. Democrats are conditioned to vote Democrat, period. They aren't going to vote for some Republican, regardless of who it is. At most, they won't vote at all, but I guarantee you they aren't voting for McCain.


New Member
I think they're holding their breath in a childish tantrum. They will indeed vote for Obama - they just want to piss and moan about their candidate not getting the nomination, and make empty threats.

I agree.

Of course, there will be a few who will vote for McCain out of spite...as if Obama should be punished for winning the nomination over their beloved Hillary.

How dare he! It was supposed to be all hers!!! :tantrum:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

I agree.

Of course, there will be a few who will vote for McCain out of spite...as if Obama should be punished for winning the nomination over their beloved Hillary.

How dare he! It was supposed to be all hers!!! :tantrum:

...this post and let's revisit it in a couple of months, say first Wednesday in November? You'd have to agree he's poking them in the eye unnecessarily, wouldn't you?

I think you both are way underestimating how these people feel. My grandma says so! As desperately as this Bush III non sense is being pushed, they just don't have the typical anti GOP reaction to McCain.


New Member
...this post and let's revisit it in a couple of months, say first Wednesday in November? You'd have to agree he's poking them in the eye unnecessarily, wouldn't you?

I think you both are way underestimating how these people feel. My grandma says so!

How is he poking them in the eye? By not kissing the Clintons' butts? Why the heck should he?

Why is he under any obligation to help wipe out her campaign debts? If Hillary would've dropped out when everyone was telling her she had no chance, she wouldn't have the debt.

She ran a very negative campaign at the end to try to make up the difference. For that reason alone Obama could tell her to get bent and be justified in doing so. Personally, I think he's done plenty to soothe her shattered ego.

She lost. She should grow the eff up and get over it. Nobody's whining about Huckabee's or Romney's hurt feelings.


How is he poking them in the eye? By not kissing the Clintons' butts? Why the heck should he?

Why is he under any obligation to help wipe out her campaign debts? If Hillary would've dropped out when everyone was telling her she had no chance, she wouldn't have the debt.

She ran a very negative campaign at the end to try to make up the difference. For that reason alone Obama could tell her to get bent and be justified in doing so. Personally, I think he's done plenty to soothe her shattered ego.

She lost. She should grow the eff up and get over it. Nobody's whining about Huckabee's or Romney's hurt feelings.
I think assisting in paying off the debt is standard procedure.

Because Romney and Huckabee are conservatives and grown ups. Not being partisan here :)pete:) but childish tantrums and not accepting results that they do not like are liberal traits.

We lost the congress in 2006 with a serious butt kicking. How many conservatives did you see on Tv saying they were moving to Canada?
What percentage of the freak protesters you see are libs as compared to conservatives? No comparison.


New Member
I think assisting in paying off the debt is standard procedure.

What's he supposed to do? He's already asked for contributions for Hillary during some of his rallies. I received a form email from the Obama campaign asking if I would donate to her (I didn't). Is he expected to pay off all her debt? The debt that she accrued while slinging mud and ignoring all rational advice telling her she wasn't going to win? Is that even legal?

The campaign debt isn't the reason her supporters are whining. They're whining because Hillary didn't win. That's it. They don't even give half a crap about the issues.