Obama and McCain oppose free speech...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Obama seeks to silence ad tying him to 60s radical

Obama not only aired a response ad to the spot linking him to William Ayers, but he sought to block stations the commercial by warning station managers and asking the Justice Department to intervene. The campaign also planned to compel advertisers to pressure stations that continue to air the anti-Obama commercial.

Obama will sue you into silence while McCain satisfies himself with simply putting the government in charge of what you can say and when you can say it.



NOT Politically Correct!!
So does this mean NObama isn't disputing everything else that was said about him??? Why is he not trying to silence Corsi book then???

Larry Gude

Strung Out

An Obama presidency is almost sure to make the Fairness Doctrine into law.

...but I have a tough time seeing it NOT happen under McCain. That's why I can't vote for the guy. When your own signature legislation decrees further government control of free POLITICAL speech, much more, it's kinda like letting the scorpion ride on your back across the pond hoping, for some reason, he's not really a scorpion.

As I've said before; it's one thing to get beat by an opponent. It's quite another to get beat by your own side. Man made global warming farce, immigration, free speech, taxes, judges.

That he seems well on his way to winning, that's how far out of touch with my fellow Americans I am.