Obama Campaign Strong Arm Tactics


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
They sure don't want people looking at this story too hard

As nation watches Denver, Obama campaign muscles Chicago station over ex-radical Ayres

In a surprising attempt to stifle broadcast criticism of its candidate, the presidential campaign of freshman Illinois senator Barack Obama is organizing supporters to confront Chicago's WGN radio station for having a critic of the Illinois Democrat on its main evening discussion program.
"WGN radio is giving right-wing hatchet man Stanley Kurtz a forum to air his baseless, fear-mongering terrorist smears," Obama's campaign wrote in an e-mail sent to supporters. "He's currently scheduled to spend a solid two-hour block from 9:00 to 11:00 p.m. (Wednesday night) pushing lies, distortions, and manipulations about Barack and University of Illinois professor William Ayers."

Kurtz, a conservative writer, recently wrote an article for the National Review that examined Obama's ties to Ayers, a former 1960s radical who helped found a protest group that advocated violence.
Top of the Ticket | As nation watches Denver, Obama campaign muscles Chicago station over ex-radical Ayres | Los Angeles Times


New Member
This is the shape of things to come if Barry gets elected. Fairness Doctrine reinstitued, no more conservative talks radio, may put controls on sites like these. Be afraid, be very afraid.


New Member
This is the shape of things to come if Barry gets elected. Fairness Doctrine reinstitued, no more conservative talks radio, may put controls on sites like these. Be afraid, be very afraid.

what the hell are you talking about?

seems to me like those flurish when we have dems in the whitehouse......


This is the shape of things to come if Barry gets elected. Fairness Doctrine reinstitued, no more conservative talks radio, may put controls on sites like these. Be afraid, be very afraid.

We might have to listen to "Air America" beamed in from Mexico on AM.


New Member
Not if the Dems put a majority on FCC and reinstate the Fairness Doctrine that was eliminated in 1988. That says all views have to have equal ttime, so then the radio station manager/owner will say, too complicated, drop them all. We all know how the left shows, latest Air America are unpopular. The Fairness Doctrine would make a station run a three hour left show that people don't like on same station as Rush.
Remember all the opposing view segments on T.V. when the T.V. had editorials?

Some think the Fairness Doctrine, (What a misnomer!) would apply to web sites. Remember Shillery complaining about the news on the web with no editor to decide what to display. All attempt to stop First Admendment.