Obama: I need to earn troops’ trust


Ubi bene ibi patria
"COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. — Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama knows that to win the vote of current and former military members and their families, he has to prove himself.

“Precisely because I have not served in uniform, I am somebody who strongly believes I have to earn the trust of men and women in uniform,” Obama said in a July 2 interview with Military Times as he contrasted his lack of service with that of Republican presidential candidate John McCain, a Navy retiree and Vietnam veteran who has years of experience in Congress working on national security issues."

Obama: I need to earn troops’ trust - Navy News, opinions, editorials, news from Iraq, photos, reports - Navy Times


According to Hannity, Obama has already flip-flopped on the Iraq War and is now leaning towards relying on the military commanders to decide when to bring the troops back.

On a related note... I heard Rush on tuesday attacking Obama for saying he would meet with the Joint Chiefs of Staff to discuss options with Iraq, and Rush had a field day criticizing this statement because someone had told Rush that the JCS have nothing to do with the military chain-of-command and that their only purpose is to advise the President. That was news to me as the CNO has always been the top dog in the Navy's chain-of-command, makes decisions on Navy policy, formulates strategy across the service, etc.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
According to Hannity, Obama has already flip-flopped on the Iraq War and is now leaning towards relying on the military commanders to decide when to bring the troops back.

On a related note... I heard Rush on tuesday attacking Obama for saying he would meet with the Joint Chiefs of Staff to discuss options with Iraq, and Rush had a field day criticizing this statement because someone had told Rush that the JCS have nothing to do with the military chain-of-command and that their only purpose is to advise the President. That was news to me as the CNO has always been the top dog in the Navy's chain-of-command, makes decisions on Navy policy, formulates strategy across the service, etc.

Do you like to purposely misquote Rush Limbaugh, or do you have a problem with comprehension of the english language? :whistle:

Obama the other day, in talking about his reversal on the war in Iraq, said that what he would do is he would call in his chief joints of staff and he would tell them, he would give them instructions to end the war now. Do you know how ignorant that is? The Joint Chiefs of Staff, ladies and gentlemen, are not connected to the operational timeline or the operational chart, the organization chart of military operations. They are distinct and separate from their respective services, Air Force chief, the Army chief. They advise the president, but they are not part of the commander structure, and they're not allowed to participate in the command structure so as to maintain independence and neutrality. And Obama doesn't even know this. He's going to bring the chief joints of staff in there and he's going to tell them to end the war.

Since Bruzilla has publicly stated that he blocks my posts, I don't expect answers from him. But this is the 2nd time this week I have pointed out (by posting the exact wording) his inaccuracies about what Rush actually said.

Whether Rush is correct or incorrect in what he said, Bruzilla didn't quote Rush accurately.


No Use for Donk Twits
Obama earning the military's trust is like going to Detroit after saying he's closing automobile factories.


Lovin' being Texican
Do you like to purposely misquote Rush Limbaugh, or do you have a problem with comprehension of the english language? :whistle:

Since Bruzilla has publicly stated that he blocks my posts, I don't expect answers from him. But this is the 2nd time this week I have pointed out (by posting the exact wording) his inaccuracies about what Rush actually said.

Whether Rush is correct or incorrect in what he said, Bruzilla didn't quote Rush accurately.

Are you saying that by ignoring
Rush said:
Obama the other day, in talking about his reversal on the war in Iraq, said that what he would do is he would call in his chief joints of staff and he would tell them, he would give them instructions to end the war now. Do you know how ignorant that is? The Joint Chiefs of Staff, ladies and gentlemen, are not connected to the operational timeline or the operational chart, the organization chart of military operations. They are distinct and separate from their respective services, Air Force chief, the Army chief. They advise the president, but they are not part of the commander structure, and they're not allowed to participate in the command structure so as to maintain independence and neutrality. And Obama doesn't even know this. He's going to bring the chief joints of staff in there and he's going to tell them to end the war.
Bruz is intentionally sticking his head up his arse to avoid knowing the truth?


NOT Politically Correct!!
LOL, you stole my thunder!!! :lmao:

Do you like to purposely misquote Rush Limbaugh, or do you have a problem with comprehension of the english language? :whistle:

Since Bruzilla has publicly stated that he blocks my posts, I don't expect answers from him. But this is the 2nd time this week I have pointed out (by posting the exact wording) his inaccuracies about what Rush actually said.

Whether Rush is correct or incorrect in what he said, Bruzilla didn't quote Rush accurately.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
LOL, you stole my thunder!!! :lmao:

He still hasn't answered the posts, but he reads them all - he's not fooling anyone. Narcissists can't stop themselves.

Bruzilla, did you get an answer on your military novel yet? Is anyone interested in publishing?


No Use for Donk Twits
"COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. — Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama knows that to win the vote of current and former military members and their families, he has to prove himself.

“Precisely because I have not served in uniform, I am somebody who strongly believes I have to earn the trust of men and women in uniform,” Obama said in a July 2 interview with Military Times as he contrasted his lack of service with that of Republican presidential candidate John McCain, a Navy retiree and Vietnam veteran who has years of experience in Congress working on national security issues."

Obama: I need to earn troops’ trust - Navy News, opinions, editorials, news from Iraq, photos, reports - Navy Times

Obama Won’t Commit to Event at Military Base

A coalition of military groups is planning a nationally televised town-hall-style meeting with the presidential candidates near Fort Hood, Tex., the largest active-duty military installation in the country. But so far, only Senator John McCain of Arizona, the presumptive Republican nominee, has agreed to attend.

CBS has agreed to broadcast the meeting live from 9 to 11 p.m. Eastern time on Monday, Aug. 11. The candidates would face questions directly from an audience of 6,000 people, made up of veterans, service members and military families from the base.

Senator Barack Obama of Illinois, the presumptive Democratic nominee, has not agreed to participate.

“Senator Obama strongly supports America’s veterans and military families and has worked hard on their behalf in the Senate,” said Phillip Carter, director of Mr. Obama’s veterans effort and an Iraq war veteran. “While we unfortunately had a previously scheduled commitment on the date proposed, Senator Obama looks forward to continuing the dialogue he’s been having throughout the country with veterans on how we can better serve our men and women in uniform as they serve us.”

His previously scheduled commitment is at a Bezerkeley IHOP!

Carissa Picard, managing director of the Fort Hood Presidential Town Hall Consortium, said she had suggested Aug. 11 and asked the campaign to suggest other dates if that was not convenient, but after several conversations she had not been able to work anything out.

“I’m having extreme difficulty getting the Obama campaign to commit to this event, and we do not understand why,” said Ms. Picard, whose husband is deployed in Iraq. “We made it very clear to them that if they would commit to the event, we would work with them on dates.”

Obama Won’t Commit to Event at Military Base - NYTimes.com


New Member
“I’m having extreme difficulty getting the Obama campaign to commit to this event, and we do not understand why,” said Ms. Picard, whose husband is deployed in Iraq. “We made it very clear to them that if they would commit to the event, we would work with them on dates.”

Gee lady: You are having difficulty understanding why he doesnt want to appear with Mccain in front of military people??

Let me help you understand why: Obama has never served and doesnt know Sheit from Shinola about military matters. He doesnt want to appear and show his ignorance.

Does that help?


No Use for Donk Twits
If Obama can't read someone else's prepared words off a teleprompter then he comes across as a stuttering fool. Throw McCain in the mix in front of this audience whose trust Obama wants to earn, and Obama would piss his pants.

The only way Obama could come out on top in front of the troops would be to challenge McCain to a basketball game of one on one.

But then McCain could ask the young man to put on some boxing gloves. :lmao:


Obama destroyed America
Obammy said:
“Precisely because I have not served in uniform, I am somebody who strongly believes I have to earn the trust of men and women in uniform,” Obama said in a July 2 interview with Military Times as he contrasted his lack of service with that of Republican presidential candidate John McCain, a Navy retiree and Vietnam veteran who has years of experience in Congress working on national security issues."

Oh I know the military would absolutely love him...........

if he offed himself. :kerad:


Ubi bene ibi patria
If Obama can't read someone else's prepared words off a teleprompter then he comes across as a stuttering fool. Throw McCain in the mix in front of this audience whose trust Obama wants to earn, and Obama would piss his pants.

The only way Obama could come out on top in front of the troops would be to challenge McCain to a basketball game of one on one.

But then McCain could ask the young man to put on some boxing gloves. :lmao:

About the only thing he can talk well about is his less than stellar military service, he's got that down pat, but don't ask him about health issues! McCain also gets a lot of prompting/corrections when his wife is on the stage with him:killingme



Obama destroyed America
About the only thing he can talk well about is his less than stellar military service, he's got that down pat, but don't ask him about health issues! McCain also gets a lot of prompting/corrections when his wife is on the stage with him:killingme

WOW!!! :faint: Instead of trying to talk in circles like say :cough: obammy :cough: McCain admitted he didn't recall the vote or have enough info and would get back to her.....which he promptly did. Wow, a man of his word.

Racist Obammy could learn a lil from the American Hero McCain.