

New Member
Did anyone hear on the radio today about the fact that Obama wanted to make his acceptance speech tonight, is because it's the date that King made his "I have a Dream" speech???? Did I hear that correctly????

If Obama thinks he in that league then he is truely full of sh*t.....

He is soooooooooooo arrogant.
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Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Did anyone hear on the radio today about the fact that Obama wanted to make his acceptance speech tonight is because it's the date that King made his "I have a Dream" speech???? Did I hear that correctly????

If Obama thinks he in that league then he is truely full of sh*t.....

He is soooooooooooo arrogant.

I read that someplace, too.

The pillars in his arena are reminiscent of the Lincoln Memorial.


Save the Tatas!!!
Hes on now. And I am struggling to hold it back.:barf:

What the next president really needs to address is:

Why is the american dollar so weak and what do we need to do to fix it..

Why is Fuel cost so high and the oil companies reporting record profits.

Why are we sending billions overseas and who is that making rich.

These are just a few items I think are important.

Not claiming that I am going to make a change but not by kissing everyone elses A$$ and repairing all of our international relationships. We need to focus at home first. We have Mjor problems that are going to criple this country if they are not addressed.

Just my 2 cents.


Super Genius
What's that? He wants to fix Social Security? I thought the Dem line was that there is no problem with SS :lalala:


Save the Tatas!!!
I'm struggling to keep from punching the TV. What a moron.

As for your comments, the solution is simple. Spend less and lower taxes across the board.

Amen. And the man or woman that stands up there and addresses the problems gets my vote. I don't need any pie in the sky BS. Focus on real issues with real results.


Save the Tatas!!!
The Dems are always against everything until they get a chance to make it sound like its their idea.

Take the slots in MD issue. The were against it when Erlich was in office. But as soon as O'Malley took office it is the greatest idea ever.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Invesco field must have installed a poppy field nearby.


He's spending money like it's going out of style! All these things he's going to do for "us".

Now he's trying to act like he's taking the high road about not questioning McCain's patriotism.


Save the Tatas!!!

He's spending money like it's going out of style! All these things he's going to do for "us".

Now he's trying to act like he's taking the high road about not questioning McCain's patriotism.

Right. He is saying a little of everything that everyone wants to hear. I think he plays both sides of the fence to much. If he could actually do everything he says he is going to do it would be fine. But he is living a pipe dream and he it seems he is almost trying to play the independent card. But he has a lot of stuff that is way to the left.
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Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
I swear, it's like the Wizard of Oz out there.

Too bad they're not sleeping though.

It's the only way he could overshadow the Clintons.

He's doing what he did as an organizer. Stirring the pot with the negatives and rabble rousing. And he does it with a great public speaking persona. That's all he knows. :bigwhoop:


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
NOW he says our country is one of the richest in the world.

:confused: I thought there were so many poor people that are on such hard times?


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
OH, here we go - MLK references!! There's the money quote now. I think I hear that preacher coming out - or is he trying hard to keep it from coming out?