

Save the Tatas!!!
McCain needs to step it up and hammer down. He has not been in the Lime light at all. It has been all Obama and Clinton. GAME ON BABY!!!!


Save the Tatas!!!
McCain just released a commercial congradulating Obama and acknowleding this historic moment. Not bad for a guy who is out of touch with the country.


Super Genius
I have to say that the biggest thing I noticed from the speech was how he talked about all the stuff that he wants the gov to do for everyone and chastised the Republicans for saying that you're on your own. Then a few minutes later, he talked about how the government can't do everything for you.


New Member
I have to say that the biggest thing I noticed from the speech was how he talked about all the stuff that he wants the gov to do for everyone and chastised the Republicans for saying that you're on your own. Then a few minutes later, he talked about how the government can't do everything for you.

Well he needs the votes of the ones that wait for the handout checks and he needs the votes of the ones working and paying taxes in order to make the money for the handout checks....yep he covered both bases.........:killingme


New Member
To all the folks voting for this man....have you really listened to what he is saying....yes he is an eloquent speaker but he isn't saying anything, he talks around all the issues and crosses up in every other line. Listen and wise up.........


Well-Known Member

Some of us work for a living. Not able to watch TV all day. LOL. I just saw it on the news after the convention.

Well, since your post was put up at 11:13 in the morning, and since your workaholicsm doesn't seem to include actual work, maybe you should read through more of the threads.


New Member
What's that? He wants to fix Social Security? I thought the Dem line was that there is no problem with SS :lalala:

This election so mirrors the Maryland election of MOM that its amazing.

When George Bush put forth a proposal to fix Social Security, the Democrats claimed there was no problem with it.

When Ehrlich asked for revenue from slot machines he was told by Democrats they didnt need it.

Expect about the same if Obama is elected. Higher taxes and a completely different approach to Social Security.


New Member
Did anyone hear on the radio today about the fact that Obama wanted to make his acceptance speech tonight, is because it's the date that King made his "I have a Dream" speech???? Did I hear that correctly????

If Obama thinks he in that league then he is truely full of sh*t.....

He is soooooooooooo arrogant.

I think he wanted to give his acceptance speech on the night it was scheduled. You know...after the official nomination, on the last night of the convention.

Just like always.


Well, since your post was put up at 11:13 in the morning, and since your workaholicsm doesn't seem to include actual work, maybe you should read through more of the threads.

actually it wasn't in the morning
Yesterday, 11:13 PM