Obama melds policy with punch


Habari Na Mijeldi
Obama melds policy with punch -- chicagotribune.com

DENVER—The flags waved and the "change" signs flapped and the flashes twinkled like fireflies. And the son of a Kansan and a Kenyan channeled a preacher with a dream, a Democrat from Hope and a Republican who saw morning in America, as 80,000 strong shook a coliseum with their feet.

Barack Obama accepted the Democratic presidential nomination Thursday night on a specially constructed soundstage in Denver's Invesco Field. His 44-minute speech mixed a searing indictment of his Republican opponent and the Republican incumbent with Clintonesque personal touches and Reaganesque optimism, promising to repair "the broken politics of Washington" and preside over a more prosperous and equitable America.

"Tonight," Obama said, "I say to the American people, to Democrats and Republicans and independents across this great land—enough! This moment--this election--is our chance to keep, in the 21st Century, the American promise alive. "