Obama Moves to Kill Tomahawk, Hellfire Missiles


No Use for Donk Twits
The US Navy uses about 100 Tomahawk cruise missiles per year to deal with global threats or to send a message. The Hellfire missile has become a mainstay of anti-terrorism operations since the CIA and military adapted the Predator drone aircraft to launch them. But under President Obama’s military budget, both programs will be eliminated over the next year or two. By 2018, the United States will have used all of its remaining stocks of Tomahawk missiles. And the military has no replacement for either weapon system ready to go yet.

The Washington Free Beacon:
President Barack Obama is seeking to abolish two highly successful missile programs that experts say has helped the U.S. Navy maintain military superiority for the past several decades.

The Tomahawk missile program—known as “the world’s most advanced cruise missile”—is set to be cut by $128 million under Obama’s fiscal year 2015 budget proposal and completely eliminated by fiscal year 2016, according to budget documents released by the Navy.

In addition to the monetary cuts to the program, the number of actual Tomahawk missiles acquired by the United States would drop significantly—from 196 last year to just 100 in 2015. The number will then drop to zero in 2016.

The Navy will also be forced to cancel its acquisition of the well-regarded and highly effective Hellfire missiles in 2015, according to Obama’s proposal.

Who is advising the President on military matters? This is a boneheaded decision IMHO.


Well-Known Member
The dismantling of a great country has stepped into high gear. Without strength, one cannot lead. Kind of goes with his whole leadership style.


Power with Control
To be fair to Obama, this isn't so much the evil anit-empire crap so much as it's a screwy procurement system that decided the best way to save money was "jointness", with everybody using common weapons and systems. Sometimes that works, a weapon is so damn good at what it does that everybody clambers on-board. Other times, especially when the needs of the mission vary widely, you end up with a swiss army knife that does everything, but none of it well.

A short range missile solution that's common to everyone is tempting, but the needs of the "zipper suited sun gods" as I have heard fighter jocks referred to, and the guys who live in the mud and poke the helo over the ridgeline are pretty different. Add in the varying procurement and testing practices of the three services and gettting one weapon through all of those is a scary thing. Planning the sundown of one or more weapons based on the hope that a new weapon can clear those hurdles is silly.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
To be fair to Obama, this isn't so much the evil anit-empire crap so much as it's a screwy procurement system that decided the best way to save money was "jointness", with everybody using common weapons and systems. Sometimes that works, a weapon is so damn good at what it does that everybody clambers on-board. Other times, especially when the needs of the mission vary widely, you end up with a swiss army knife that does everything, but none of it well.

A short range missile solution that's common to everyone is tempting, but the needs of the "zipper suited sun gods" as I have heard fighter jocks referred to, and the guys who live in the mud and poke the helo over the ridgeline are pretty different. Add in the varying procurement and testing practices of the three services and gettting one weapon through all of those is a scary thing. Planning the sundown of one or more weapons based on the hope that a new weapon can clear those hurdles is silly.

So you think somebodies pushed the b o to call for this elimination just for more money on future, new unproven products? I think so as part of his plan to weaken the US into just another regional "power", maybe.

That's not just silly, it is essentially national defense suicide. Seeing that the Navy and AF utilize the Tomahawk, and all four branches use the Hellfire to great effectiveness, this move makes as much sense as getting rid of the A-10.


The dismantling of a great country has stepped into high gear. Without strength, one cannot lead. Kind of goes with his whole leadership style.
obamy can take money from medicare, sequester Fed workers, cut the military to the bone, all in the name of saving money. Then he goes out and gives money away to foreign countries. Is there something wrong with this picture? :banghead:


Power with Control
So you think somebodies pushed the b o to call for this elimination just for more money on future, new unproven products? I think so as part of his plan to weaken the US into just another regional "power", maybe.

That's not just silly, it is essentially national defense suicide. Seeing that the Navy and AF utilize the Tomahawk, and all four branches use the Hellfire to great effectiveness, this move makes as much sense as getting rid of the A-10.

You think BO gets to make the call "Can that missile, our enemies hate and fear that missile, shut that one down". We have used it to great effectiveness in the just past and recent conflicts. Will those missiles do so well against folks who are not living in mud huts and using homemade, scrounged and stolen systems against us? The mission is to be ready not just for the current enemies but the next ones. Do you think that the Hellfire would fare so well against front line Russian or Chinese countermeasures and armor? Can the Tomahawk survive to make it to Bejing or Moscow against modern air defenses? Dont know myself, but very few weapons survive too long before being redone to meet new threats.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
obamy can take money from medicare, sequester Fed workers, cut the military to the bone, all in the name of saving money. Then he goes out and gives money away to entitlement sucking felon incubators. Is there something wrong with this picture? :banghead:



Well-Known Member
Let's take one of the most effective weapons we have used with success and cut it out of the budget. Are you f'ing crazy?

Is there an adult over the age of 30 that doesn't remember seeing all of the Tomahawk missiles destroying the enemy during the beginning of Dessert Storm? i sat glued to my TV watching live feed as missile after missile struck it's target.

If he cuts this program, it's going to do more damage than what people think. He has no plan to replace the weapon. In the end it will cost more than what this country will save in the budget cut.

How many more years do we have to put up with this stupid idiot we call the President? He's deterimined to destroy this country entirely before he packs his bags and heads back to his homeland with life long former presidental pay. He'll own that country in time, and probably come back and finish us off since he knows ALL our secrets now.

For all you idiot supporters out there, still think it was such a grand idea to elect him, then give him a second term?


New Member

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You think BO gets to make the call "Can that missile, our enemies hate and fear that missile, shut that one down". We have used it to great effectiveness in the just past and recent conflicts. Will those missiles do so well against folks who are not living in mud huts and using homemade, scrounged and stolen systems against us? The mission is to be ready not just for the current enemies but the next ones. Do you think that the Hellfire would fare so well against front line Russian or Chinese countermeasures and armor? Can the Tomahawk survive to make it to Bejing or Moscow against modern air defenses? Dont know myself, but very few weapons survive too long before being redone to meet new threats.

Excellent post. :buddies:


Power with Control
So tell me how much has he budgeted for new equipment to replace the old?
It must be there somewhere.

Thats one of the problems, acquisition and testing has taken disproportionate hits, as it has to to leave funds for the pointy end guys. That's his fault, well, his and all of the politicians involved, and the idiots who voted for them. The budgetary process is a failed mechanism, but that's not solely his fault. And in it's way the drive to jointmess, I mean jointness, is driven by the budgetary thing. Lets not forget congresscritters and senators who force acquisitions the services dont want because the company building that widget are in his/her district.


Well-Known Member
Hell if I know. My comment was directed at the reasoning of glh's point. Lack of funds doesn't change the point.

My only point is that if he hasn't budgeted money for development of new weapons, it is pretty stupid to get rid of the old.
At least we could have something to fire back, even if they are obsolete.

I swear I don't believe this guy is dumb as he acts. I believe he is selling us down the river.
Russia and China are arming up and we are shutting down.
Something is not right.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
My only point is that if he hasn't budgeted money for development of new weapons, it is pretty stupid to get rid of the old.
At least we could have something to fire back, even if they are obsolete.

I swear I don't believe this guy is dumb as he acts. I believe he is selling us down the river.
Russia and China are arming up and we are shutting down.
Something is not right.

Ok, let's go with that, he is intentionally selling us down the river. What does that mean? So that China and Russia can take us over?
Why did Bush do what he did in using our military? I ask that based on what I think is the obvious; the 'selling down the river' so to speak, of the US via that use.

The US is not winning the arms race by a little. We are, exponentially, stronger than the rest of the world put together. We can kill everyone. We can defeat any weapon we come up against. We're closer to being able to knock missiles out before they can harm us.

So, what's the threat, really? I would guess the mentioned munitions are made in some congressman's district whom Obama dislikes. That would make sense.

Further, let's go back to bi Laden and Clinton lobbing a few cruise missiles. Had Clinton not had that option, to pretend to be doing something about it, might he have done something truly effective and sent in some folks to shoot him dead?

It seems readily apparent there is no threat to US national security here but, for conversations sake, what do you see in terms of him selling us down the river?