Obama Poll


Obama destroyed America
Lots of people aren't happpy with the messiah!
Nope they sure aren't. And on a biased left wing media site too!! Imagine that. Wonder how long before they modify the poll. Copied and pasted right off their page....

Give President Obama a grade
Live Vote
If you were grading Barack Obama on his performance as president, what would he get?
He gets an A
He gets a B
He gets a C
He gets a D
He gets an F

Vote to see results
Live Vote
If you were grading Barack Obama on his performance as president, what would he get? * 2259315 responses

He gets an A 29%

He gets a B 6.2%

He gets a C 5.6%

He gets a D 15%

He gets an F 44%

Not a scientific survey. Click to learn more. Results may not total 100% due to rounding.


Having Fun!
Nope they sure aren't. And on a biased left wing media site too!! Imagine that. Wonder how long before they modify the poll. Copied and pasted right off their page....

Give President Obama a grade
Live Vote
If you were grading Barack Obama on his performance as president, what would he get?
He gets an A
He gets a B
He gets a C
He gets a D
He gets an F

Vote to see results
Live Vote
If you were grading Barack Obama on his performance as president, what would he get? * 2259315 responses

He gets an A 29%

He gets a B 6.2%

He gets a C 5.6%

He gets a D 15%

He gets an F 44%

Not a scientific survey. Click to learn more. Results may not total 100% due to rounding.

The "click to learn more" link takes you to their "online disclaimer" cop-out page where they spin the difference between a survey and a poll and take pains to point out that internet polls are vulnerable to special interest groups that want to support one person --- gee, ya think? Really? In this case? Like over 2 million people are gong to run around to different computers & internet accounts just to vote in their piddly little internet poll and skew the results.

Even when it's staring them in the face, they STILL don't want to admit that he's messing up. The bias present in the media these days just makes me want to :barf:


The "click to learn more" link takes you to their "online disclaimer" cop-out page where they spin the difference between a survey and a poll and take pains to point out that internet polls are vulnerable to special interest groups that want to support one person --- gee, ya think? Really? In this case? Like over 2 million people are gong to run around to different computers & internet accounts just to vote in their piddly little internet poll and skew the results.

Even when it's staring them in the face, they STILL don't want to admit that he's messing up. The bias present in the media these days just makes me want to :barf:

You just have to point and click with MSNBC. They're not spinning anything. There's a huge difference between a poll and an online survey. :dork: