Obama - Red Dawn?

Is Obama a Stalin-grade communist?

  • Heck yes he is!

    Votes: 26 68.4%
  • I don't think so...

    Votes: 12 31.6%

  • Total voters


Many are wondering - with all of these handouts from the Obama administration coming our way in a few short months, what is to become of our great conservative, capitalist American nation?

The lazy, the uneducated, and the illegals are bringing our entire system down. The rest of us worked hard to get to the jobs we have now, and we don't need some "underprivileged" or "minority" group taking away our hard-earned money and inheritance.

Read the communist manifesto, and compare it to the Obama economic plan. Tell me there aren't similarities.

Our country is going DOWN THE TUBES...

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Many are wondering - with all of these handouts from the Obama administration coming our way in a few short months, what is to become of our great conservative, capitalist American nation? ...

...what the hell are you talking about? Obama hasn't given away a damn thing yet while George Bush (R) has given away or pledged this nation into an Orwellian state of 'up is down', war is peace.

The GOP is killing this country.


...what the hell are you talking about? Obama hasn't given away a damn thing yet while George Bush (R) has given away or pledged this nation into an Orwellian state of 'up is down', war is peace.

The GOP is killing this country.


BDS... :popcorn:

Larry Gude

Strung Out


BDS... :popcorn:

Auto rescue bill in peril, opposed by GOP senators - Yahoo! News

...yup. Bush denial syndrome.

The White House, though not formally endorsing an agreement with congressional Democrats, dispatched administration officials to Capitol Hill to make a case for the rescue package. During a contentious, closed-door luncheon with Senate Republicans, White House Chief of Staff Josh Bolten got an earful of criticism from the rank-and-file, some of whom have already announced plans to block the measure.

Now, good 'ol Dubbya will bequeath us a car czar. Great.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Bush is going to look like a pipsqeak compared to BO.

... Federal deficit on pace to reach record $1T

The federal government ran a record budget deficit in November, putting Uncle Sam on track to post an all-time high annual shortfall of $1 trillion or more.
In just the first two months of the budget year that started Oct. 1, the deficit totaled $401.6 billion, nearly matching the record gap of $455 billion posted for all of last year, according to Treasury Department data released Wednesday. If the deficit does top $1 trillion for the current budget year, it also would be a post-World War II high when measured as a percentage of the economy.

If so, he's sure gonna have to work at it.


... Federal deficit on pace to reach record $1T

If so, he's sure gonna have to work at it.

Are you trying to get me to say that Bush is a big lib spender? I've said it already. What else do you want from me?

But this thread was about what BO is going to do, not what Bush has already done. You keep inserting Bush as if it has some relevence to BO. Bush is against universal HC, expanding welfare, taxing one income group to divy it out to another. There is so much that BO is that Bush is not.

The spending is maddening and both sides are guilty. But we haven't seen anything yet. We are about to have a very liberal Congress with a very liberal president (despite all current appearances).


In My Opinion
The bailout is voted in mostly by dems, and Bush gets hit with the blame for the single largest hike ever. Bad Bush.
then the big three come along and beg for some spare change, Bush holds back, the dems hit him with trying to kill the country because he wont pass the bailout right off.

lets see.
the dems want all the bailouts done before king hussien takes office so they can point at Bush and blame it all on him. even though owebama is demanding that it be passed.

the way I see it is that the dems want the increase, but they need Bush to do it so the blame for the spending wont be on the chosen one.

If I were Bush I would hold off and let obammy take the hit too.


The bailout is voted in mostly by dems, and Bush gets hit with the blame for the single largest hike ever. Bad Bush.
then the big three come along and beg for some spare change, Bush holds back, the dems hit him with trying to kill the country because he wont pass the bailout right off.

lets see.
the dems want all the bailouts done before king hussien takes office so they can point at Bush and blame it all on him. even though owebama is demanding that it be passed.

the way I see it is that the dems want the increase, but they need Bush to do it so the blame for the spending wont be on the chosen one.

If I were Bush I would hold off and let obammy take the hit too.

As far as I understand it BO is still a member of Congress. He is on record for voting for the bailout. So if there is any backlash he is complicit.

And Bush is the final say. And he said yes. He is equally to blame.

The same will be the case with the auto bailout.

Here's the kicker though, the car czar. When the auto bailout fails, BO will be president by then and will have the leverage to mandate, through the car czar how the industry is run. One piece of the socialistic puzzle.


He resigned effective Sunday, Nov 16, 2008. He is currently unemployed.

BTW, no one in history has resigned their position as early as Obama did.

He is still on record for voting for the banking bailout. And he's not unemployed. He now heads "The Office of the President Elect". I'm certain he is getting paid by the DNC quite fairly.

I think the point is, Bush is guilty of instituting another level of socialism in this country. He is on his way out and has nothing left but his legacy to worry about. BO, however, is on his way in and will have to deal the consequences of this potentially failed maneuver to save our economy. I'm pretty sure we agree on this. No?


Well-Known Member
He is still on record for voting for the banking bailout. And he's not unemployed. He now heads "The Office of the President Elect". I'm certain he is getting paid by the DNC quite fairly.

I think the point is, Bush is guilty of instituting another level of socialism in this country. He is on his way out and has nothing left but his legacy to worry about. BO, however, is on his way in and will have to deal the consequences of this potentially failed maneuver to save our economy. I'm pretty sure we agree on this. No?
Oh yes, we agree on that.
the way I see it is that the dems want the increase, but they need Bush to do it so the blame for the spending wont be on the chosen one.

If I were Bush I would hold off and let obammy take the hit too.

Damned if he does, damned if he don't... if he does - he adds to the bailout cost; if he does not - he will be perceived as letting the automakers fall into a deeper hole.

It is a no-win situation for Bush...


I thought this was going to be a thread about Obama causing a situaiton like that movie, Red Dawn.

that was a good movie.


I thought this was going to be a thread about Obama causing a situaiton like that movie, Red Dawn.

that was a good movie.

HEHEHEHE In the 80's who wasn't expecting some sort of Soviet Invasion :shrug:

Is Obama a Stalin-grade communist?

I'd answer no to that question. He is more of a Marx-grade communist. Stalin's version of 'communism' was a perversion - it bore some resemblance to traditional communism (i.e. communism as described by Karl Marx) on the outside, but was fundamentally a different creature.

If the question was, 'Can Obama be accurately described as a Marxist, or a communist in the traditional sense?', then the answer is clearly yes. His stated policy plans are consistent with those of communism as it was initially laid out.

However, to be fair, most elected politicians in the U.S. today can accurately and reasonably be described as communists. Not the least among them is President Bush. He has become, or perhaps merely revealed himself to be, a great proponent of communist policy. It can reasonably be argued that he has initiated and overseen the most sweeping expansion of communist ideology into American political policy since Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

Will Obama, with the help of Congress, continue that expansion? Based upon his statements, I have little doubt that he will. He may run further and faster with it than any of his predecessors. But, at the end of the day, he will just be one more in a long, albeit intermittent, line of torchbearers. He didn't light the torch and he didn't carry it to where it is today. In fact, he wouldn't be in a position to be the one taking it up now, had it not been carried so far already. He will probably carry it further and faster than anyone before him (though that will be no small feat given what has happened in the last 6 months), but ultimately he is just going where the collective has sent him.

That is where we should be focusing our energy, if we don't like Obama's communist ideology - on the collective. Change the will of the people such that they seek tougher solutions with staying power, instead of the easy, visually alluring, feel-good communist solutions that will eventually reveal their fundamental, societally-destructive nature. Is it still plausible to change the will of the people? I have my own opinions about that, but the answer is really irrelevant. Plausible or not, it's the only possible fix - so we should zealously pursue it until time runs out.

The distinction I referred to earlier between Marxist communism and Stalinist-'communism' is at the core of the problem. Most people wrongly accept the Russian model as the best example of what communism is and how it comes about. It isn't. I'm fairly certain that, if Marx were alive today, he would look upon what has happened, and is happening, in the U.S. and western Europe with a great deal more pride than he would look upon the Soviet Union with. He'd likely consider us his legitimate children, and disown those step-children, that once made up the Warsaw Pact, as the illegitimate usurpers of his name that they were.

This misunderstanding among most people about the true nature of communism has presented a great obstacle to combating its ideological principles. Without understanding why, some people have an inherent, almost viscerally negative reaction to the word communism, as they associate it with the U.S.S.R. - the devil's empire. Whenever someone uses the word communism (or socialism) to refer to actual communist policies, some people immediately go into an emotional, irrational, defensive state. This phenomena isn't helped by the fact that some people callously use the word communism as a generic slur, as opposed to an accurate description for the nature of certain policies.

We can't have an intelligent conversation about why communism won't work, because we can't have an honest conversation about what it is, because we can't get passed the word. If we ever do, perhaps we can start to make some progress.
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