Obama Takes a Dump on Pope


Well-Known Member
OK.... here's what it says...

In a stunning show of political indecorum, Obama has invited a series of individuals who publicly flout Catholic teaching, including a pro-abortion religious sister, a transgender woman and the first openly gay Episcopal bishop, along with at least two Catholic gay activists.

The White House was illuminated in gay pride colors on June 26, 2015, after the Supreme Court legalized gay same-sex marriage.

One of the invitees, retired Episcopal bishop Gene Robinson, made history by becoming the first openly gay episcopal bishop in 2003 and subsequently the first to divorce his gay partner in 2014, after having previously separated from his wife of 14 years. He has attended a number of religious events with the Obama administration, offering a prayer at President Obama's inauguration in 2009 and taking part in the 2014 National Prayer Breakfast.

Mateo Williamson, a cross-dressing woman and former co-chairman of the Transgender Caucus for Dignity USA, has also received an invitation to the White House for Pope Francis' visit. Williamson says that though she now thinks of herself as a man, she continues to be attracted to males. "Today I identify as a gay man and before that was difficult to understand because I thought that in order to be transgender, in order to be a transgender male that I had to be attracted to females but I never have throughout my entire life."

Though Pope Francis has said that he doesn’t believe in judging persons and is ready to welcome anyone in Christ's name, he has also said that Catholics do not accept the modern mentality of transgenderism and once said that gay marriage is the devil's "attempt to destroy God’s plan."

I really believe we must be knocking on the door of end times.

OK.... here's what it says...

In a stunning show of political indecorum, Obama has invited a series of individuals who publicly flout Catholic teaching, including a pro-abortion religious sister, a transgender woman and the first openly gay Episcopal bishop, along with at least two Catholic gay activists.

The White House was illuminated in gay pride colors on June 26, 2015, after the Supreme Court legalized gay same-sex marriage.

One of the invitees, retired Episcopal bishop Gene Robinson, made history by becoming the first openly gay episcopal bishop in 2003 and subsequently the first to divorce his gay partner in 2014, after having previously separated from his wife of 14 years. He has attended a number of religious events with the Obama administration, offering a prayer at President Obama's inauguration in 2009 and taking part in the 2014 National Prayer Breakfast.

Mateo Williamson, a cross-dressing woman and former co-chairman of the Transgender Caucus for Dignity USA, has also received an invitation to the White House for Pope Francis' visit. Williamson says that though she now thinks of herself as a man, she continues to be attracted to males. "Today I identify as a gay man and before that was difficult to understand because I thought that in order to be transgender, in order to be a transgender male that I had to be attracted to females but I never have throughout my entire life."

Though Pope Francis has said that he doesn’t believe in judging persons and is ready to welcome anyone in Christ's name, he has also said that Catholics do not accept the modern mentality of transgenderism and once said that gay marriage is the devil's "attempt to destroy God’s plan."

I really believe we must be knocking on the door of end times.


Fortunately, this Pope appears to be far more tolerant of diversity than many people who claim to be christians.


Well-Known Member
Fortunately, this Pope appears to be far more tolerant of diversity than many people who claim to be christians.

I don't know if the pope squad was included in the guest list selection, but I would guess the Vatican staff has at least seen it. The pope has set himself and the rcc up for this by his recent proclamations.

Diversity, from any perspective, means squat when that diversity flies in the face of the biblical and theological belief that one (the pope) allegedly holds. This pope has publicly turned away from biblical stance and principle to just be more inclusive?

Even the popester cannot change the Bible, but many obviously believe he can. That is hypocrisy, not diversity. That is allowing in and approving of what the bible has prohibited.

If these people were invited against the wishes of the visiting party, then perhaps a public rebuttal should be forthcoming.
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Diversity, from any perspective, means squat when that diversity flies in the face of the biblical and theological belief that one (the pope) allegedly holds. This pope has publicly turned away from biblical stance and principle to just be more inclusive?

Even the popester cannot change the Bible, but many obviously believe he can. That is hypocrisy, not diversity.

Certainly Christ himself would banish the Pope from Christianity for entertaining such blasphemy! Jesus would never tolerate such inclusiveness of his fellow man!


Well-Known Member
Certainly Christ himself would banish the Pope from Christianity for entertaining such blasphemy! Jesus would never tolerate such inclusiveness of his fellow man!

Yeah, right. Jesus would make it very, very clear: Go forth and sin no more. In layman's terms - "If you love me, turn away from your sin, or I will be done with you when it's your time". We all know the "love the sinner, hate the sin" thingy. Will the pope say as much, and back it up, or just use more flowery phrases to further confuse the understanding of those in that sin?

Christ was always straight forward. Told it straight from the heart. That's why many chose to not follow him because of the finality of the result of their sins that they refuse to leave behind.

Let's see if the pope does just that. Even as a non-catholic, I hope that he does.
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