Obama's for Equal Pay...not


New Member
Obama's for Equal Pay...but not for women

"Obama has vowed to make pay equity for women a top priority if elected president, an analysis of his Senate staff shows that women are outnumbered and out-paid by men."

what a scum bag

"McCain's Senate office, where women, for the most part, out-rank and are paid more than men. "

what the evil republican lives up to his word... NAW

link cnsnews
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'95 ZX6R
as per typical demo candidate - say whatever you think the people want to hear, and do whatever you want. (i'm not saying democrats are this way. it just always seems to be the candidates that run for office with support of the "democratic party")


New Member
three things.

1: He did vote for the equal pay litigation bill in April.

2: No where in the article aside from his administrative managers (one of which is a woman) did it mention what any of the positions are. Maybe the position held doesn't rate as high a scale of pay.

3: this is almost as dumb as porta john placement

He voted for the bill, what more do you want. If hard facts about the position held by each member of his staff come down and womens pay is found wanting, I'll agree with you that he is hypocritical. Until then, it nothing but speculation and yellow journalism.


New Member
three things.

1: He did vote for the equal pay litigation bill in April.

2: No where in the article aside from his administrative managers (one of which is a woman) did it mention what any of the positions are. Maybe the position held doesn't rate as high a scale of pay.

3: this is almost as dumb as porta john placement

He voted for the bill, what more do you want. If hard facts about the position held by each member of his staff come down and womens pay is found wanting, I'll agree with you that he is hypocritical. Until then, it nothing but speculation and yellow journalism.

so you are saying Obama does not go for women in high places in his org, but he will sign bill's forcing the rest of the USA to do just that?

Please clarify your point......


New Member
so you are saying Obama does not go for women in high places in his org, but he will sign bill's forcing the rest of the USA to do just that?

Please clarify your point......

um, that's not what I said or what the bill is for.

If a man and a woman hold equal positions and share equal responsibilities within a company then they should be paid equally (though allowing for factors such as experience etc. would of course be included).

As for women in obamas staff, who knows. Not you or I or any news groups (that have let on anyway). We have mostly men working at my company .... know why? Because mostly men applied. Big shock.


New Member
"Obama has vowed to make pay equity for women a top priority if elected president, an analysis of his Senate staff shows that women are outnumbered and out-paid by men."

what a scum bag

"McCain's Senate office, where women, for the most part, out-rank and are paid more than men. "

what the evil republican lives up to his word... NAW

link cnsnews
The ironic part is how many Republicans voted against the Equal Pay Legislation a couple months ago, and you tell us Obama's not paying equally, and feed us kool-aid from an unheardof news organization.

I'm sure all the righties are going to eat this up though.


New Member
The ironic part is how many Republicans voted against the Equal Pay Legislation a couple months ago, and you tell us Obama's not paying equally, and feed us kool-aid from an unheardof news organization.

I'm sure all the righties are going to eat this up though.

because its not an equal pay bill, it's a money for lawyers bill.

Nice try


Lovin' being Texican
You are such a dolt!

The ironic part is how many Republicans voted against the Equal Pay Legislation a couple months ago, and you tell us Obama's not paying equally, and feed us kool-aid from an unheardof news organization.

I'm sure all the righties are going to eat this up though.

Once you move out of momma's basement and have to make a living doing real work, I want to see how you post then.


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New Member
Once you move out of momma's basement and have to make a living doing real work, I want to see how you post then.
Yep, that's right. :rolleyes:

You're the idiot.

You righties don't seem to grasp the fact that Americans are denoncing your neocon principles in record numbers. :lol:


Yep, that's right. :rolleyes:

You're the idiot.

You righties don't seem to grasp the fact that Americans are denoncing your neocon principles in record numbers. :lol:

I love how you throw around "righties" and "neocon" so loosely :killingme You sound like Olbermann.......just more annoying.


Well-Known Member
You righties don't seem to grasp the fact that Americans are denoncing your neocon principles in record numbers. :lol:
I'm conservative in my thoughts, both fiscal and social.

What are my principles that are being denounced by record numbers of Americans, and what is your source of this knowledge?


New Member
I'm conservative in my thoughts, both fiscal and social.

What are my principles that are being denounced by record numbers of Americans, and what is your source of this knowledge?

The Democrats' Turnout Triumph - TIME

RealClearPolitics - 2008 Elections - Democratic Vote Count


You might be fiscally conservative, but the Republican party sure as hell hasn't been. They've been spending money like drunken sailors. :otter:

A study to find out people under 21 are getting alcohol from people over 21? :otter:

I mean, come on.


The Repubicains in Congress have move away from


Principals .....

and are more like the socialists trying to "BUY" Reelection with entitlements .... :whistle:


Lovin' being Texican
The Democrats' Turnout Triumph - TIME

RealClearPolitics - 2008 Elections - Democratic Vote Count


You might be fiscally conservative, but the Republican party sure as hell hasn't been. They've been spending money like drunken sailors. :otter:

A study to find out people under 21 are getting alcohol from people over 21? :otter:

I mean, come on.

Seeing as you cannot understand the meaning of words (just as you cannot spell them correctly) it's time for you to check into the Summer School program in Chuck Co. Since you have so much time for posting and scanning ALL these NEOCON television shows, you might find time to get some smarts for a change.


Well-Known Member
I love how you throw around "righties" and "neocon" so loosely :killingme You sound like Olbermann.......just more annoying.

"Neocon" to a liberal just means "conservative person I don't like".

It has absolutely no connection to neo or paleo conservatism or their definitions. It's strictly a pejorative term.


Well-Known Member
The Democrats' Turnout Triumph - TIME

RealClearPolitics - 2008 Elections - Democratic Vote Count


You might be fiscally conservative, but the Republican party sure as hell hasn't been. They've been spending money like drunken sailors. :otter:

A study to find out people under 21 are getting alcohol from people over 21? :otter:

I mean, come on.
Those links are about Democrats voting to vote against other Democrats. I don't see the connection to people turning against conservative ideas. None of the people noted in the articles were voting against conservative ideas, they were voting against other Democrats or in favor of their own.

I didn't say the Republicans were acting conservatively, nor did you say people were turning against Republicans. You said they were turning against conservative ideas.

Please answer the questions - what conservative ideas are Americans turning out against in record numbers, and what is your source of information for that.