This thing seems a little crazy.
It appears there are 10 Democrats running for Governor of Maryland.
Of course they all claim they will make Baltimore crime free.
Democrats have already done so much for that effort.
The Comptroller Franchot is running , and is probably the best.
Obama's Education Secretary is running, he will battle RAYCISM.
Ben Jealous will probably run again. He was endorsed by Bama lama ding dong last time.
The primary race for Maryland governor is starting to take shape on the TV airways. Democratic candidate Tom Perez on Wednesday announced a major ad buy, saying his first campaign commercial will start airing Thursday -- and it's narrated by a famous voice. The Perez ad features praise from...
Maryland’s soon-to-open governor’s seat so far has attracted 14 major party candidates this 2022 primary election season, 10 of them Democrats and four Republicans. With Republican Gov.…
3 Republicans are running Robin Ficker from Montgomery Count is running like he does every year, and
Kelly Schulz from Frederick County is running as is Joe Werner from Baltimore County.
I don't know any of them but Montgomery County lets out Ficker for me as does Baltimore County letting out Joe Werner. Kelly Schulz seems to have my vote right now.