O'Bomber's VEEP's Memoirs A Bestseller


Lovin' being Texican
Yeah, sure.

ABC News: ABC News

A memoir by Sen. Joe Biden, once as forgotten as his presidential run, is now a best seller.
A day after Sen. Barack Obama chose Biden as his running mate for the Democratic ticket, Biden's "Promises to Keep: On Life and Politics" was in the top 10 on Barnes & Noble.com and in the top 40 on Amazon.com.

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You are such an impotent schmuck it's pitiful.


wandering aimlessly
Maybe people are buying it to get insight into Biden's life and politics. :shrug:

Can't be it. Not that many make informed choices. :ohwell:


New Member
I figure many people never heard of Slow Joe Biden and are checking up on him.

These sales wont last long. As soon as they find what a dork this gun hating ,plagiarising ,prick is you could buy the last printing of that book for a buck.