On Willows right before the apartment complex there was a wake of turkey vultures and a huge bald eagle who was obviously ready to rumble based on his behavior. I know eagles are common in this area - still a thrill to see one up close and personal and he was huge.
Then I saw a good sized flock of government workers or people supporting government workers. I support government worker in general - honked thumbs up - happy crew out there.
And someone knocked down the fence again surrounding Pax River. How does one do that I wonder?
Then I saw a family of deer right out of the corner of my eye on Mattapany and managed to miss all of them as I watched my life flash before my eyes. That's the second time this week. Is it mating season or something?
Then I saw a good sized flock of government workers or people supporting government workers. I support government worker in general - honked thumbs up - happy crew out there.
And someone knocked down the fence again surrounding Pax River. How does one do that I wonder?
Then I saw a family of deer right out of the corner of my eye on Mattapany and managed to miss all of them as I watched my life flash before my eyes. That's the second time this week. Is it mating season or something?