Governor October 4, 2019


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Dear Friend,​

As summer came to an end and Maryland students headed back to school, our team remained hard at work to change Maryland for the better. We celebrated the installation of the first tracks of the Purple Line, a transformative project that is at the very heart of our state’s infrastructure success story. And, we were thrilled to announce the second consecutive decrease in Maryland’s health insurance premiums—further proof that our innovative plan to make healthcare more affordable is setting an example for the rest of the nation.

This month, as chairman of the National Governors Association, I led a delegation of four states on an infrastructure and commerce mission to Australia to strengthen economic and diplomatic ties with our allies “down under.” We visited some of Australia’s most innovative infrastructure projects and signed agreements to establish new partnerships in cybersecurity and the life sciences. You can learn more about this productive trip in the op-ed I wrote for The Australian.

While my trade mission to Australia was extremely productive, I was eager to come home to Maryland, where we continue making progress through declines in opioid-related fatalities, innovations in clean energy, and new laws to keep our citizens safe.

We aren’t slowing down any time soon, so stay up-to-date by following me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat (username: GovLarryHogan).

See you next month!

Your Governor,​



“In Maryland we are proud to be setting an example for the rest of the nation and the Purple Line is at the heart of our state’s infrastructure success story. Two years ago when we broke ground on the Purple Line, I climbed into an excavator and personally helped get the construction underway. Since then, we’ve been grading, moving utilities, tunneling, and now we have begun building and laying the first segments of track.”

Watch the installation of the first Purple Line track here.​

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“Addressing the violent crime crisis is the single most urgent issue facing Baltimore City. People who live in Baltimore City don’t feel safe in their own neighborhoods, and citizens all across the state are outraged by the daily reports of rampant violence.”

Watch the WBFF coverage of Governor Hogan’s visit to West Baltimore here.​

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Follow along with our annoucements next month on our website and find event photos here!

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William Still is known as the “Father of the Underground Railroad,” helping around 800 slaves escape to freedom. He kept meticulous records in order to help reunite escaped slaves with their families. #InternationalUndergroundRailroadMonth #RutherFacts


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