Oddly enough...


Football addict
I've never been to a professional football game. On top of that I've never been to a professional baseball, hockey, soccer, or even a musical concert.:mad: You get the picture! I'd really love to get up to Fedex field and watch my Skins play one of these days. Do any of you know of any good places to get tickets cheap? Being that I've never been to a stadium before, where are the best seats? Can you actually see the game and well? Is it better than television?:lol: Give my po' self some specifics please.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You don't go to the game...

...to see the game; you go for the atmosphere. You'll miss a good bit of the action but you will be able to see long pass plays develop and you can focus on one player as much as you like. It's kinda breath taking sometimes. When the Skins are rolling, it is deafening and exciting as hell.

Once a year and I'm happy. I'd never own season tickets.

There are no cheap Skin tickets. The lowest priced are section 400's. You can get them at face value for most games that aren't against Dallas online. I'm not sure you can actually see the field from the 400's but they are, I'm told, in the stadium.

Hold a fundraiser for yourself and raise $1,000

Then, get online, buy to a pair of loge seats for the game of your choice (that isn't Dallas; they'll be $1,000 a piece) for about $400 or so, hopefully they'll throw in the parking pass as well.

Then, you'll spend $200 on beers and good food, served to your leather seat, under cover, heated, with about 11 TV's in view to catch the replays.

PS: Almost forgot; bring a friend. Make 'em drive.


My Sweetest Boy
Larry Gude said:
...to see the game; you go for the atmosphere. You'll miss a good bit of the action but you will be able to see long pass plays develop and you can focus on one player as much as you like. It's kinda breath taking sometimes. When the Skins are rolling, it is deafening and exciting as hell.

Once a year and I'm happy. I'd never own season tickets.

There are no cheap Skin tickets. The lowest priced are section 400's. You can get them at face value for most games that aren't against Dallas online. I'm not sure you can actually see the field from the 400's but they are, I'm told, in the stadium.

Hold a fundraiser for yourself and raise $1,000

Then, get online, buy to a pair of loge seats for the game of your choice (that isn't Dallas; they'll be $1,000 a piece) for about $400 or so, hopefully they'll throw in the parking pass as well.

Then, you'll spend $200 on beers and good food, served to your leather seat, under cover, heated, with about 11 TV's in view to catch the replays.

PS: Almost forgot; bring a friend. Make 'em drive.

:neener: I have connections.


Lem Putt
Larry Gude said:
...to see the game; you go for the atmosphere. You'll miss a good bit of the action but you will be able to see long pass plays develop and you can focus on one player as much as you like. It's kinda breath taking sometimes. When the Skins are rolling, it is deafening and exciting as hell.

Once a year and I'm happy. I'd never own season tickets.

There are no cheap Skin tickets. The lowest priced are section 400's. You can get them at face value for most games that aren't against Dallas online. I'm not sure you can actually see the field from the 400's but they are, I'm told, in the stadium.

Hold a fundraiser for yourself and raise $1,000

Then, get online, buy to a pair of loge seats for the game of your choice (that isn't Dallas; they'll be $1,000 a piece) for about $400 or so, hopefully they'll throw in the parking pass as well.

Then, you'll spend $200 on beers and good food, served to your leather seat, under cover, heated, with about 11 TV's in view to catch the replays.

PS: Almost forgot; bring a friend. Make 'em drive.

That makes me hate Snyder even more. Yet people still pay those prices.


:shrug: i only paid $70 for my martinsville race tix...
turn 3-row 9:banana:


New Member
BuddyLee said:
I've never been to a professional football game. On top of that I've never been to a professional baseball, hockey, soccer, or even a musical concert.:mad: You get the picture! I'd really love to get up to Fedex field and watch my Skins play one of these days. Do any of you know of any good places to get tickets cheap? Being that I've never been to a stadium before, where are the best seats? Can you actually see the game and well? Is it better than television?:lol: Give my po' self some specifics please.
When you go, get there early & walk down to the seats closest to the field. You can watch the teams warm up & quite often you can yell to your fav. player & they'll acknowlege you. You won't be able to stay as it gets closer to game time but you can get some cool pics. Larry's correct. It's the experience. You also get to see first hand the distances of the passes and runs etc.... This doesn't translate as well on TV. :yay:


Nothing to see here
Mikeinsmd said:
Larry's correct. It's the experience.

Never see a better experience then like the stands bouncing at RFK. Would tell ya bout em, but then yall would say Im old or something..:lol:


New Member
otter said:
Never see a better experience then like the stands bouncing at RFK. Would tell ya bout em, but then yall would say Im old or something..:lol:
I heard about it but never got to experience it. :ohwell:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

otter said:
Never see a better experience then like the stands bouncing at RFK. Would tell ya bout em, but then yall would say Im old or something..:lol:

...is a horse of a different color.

RFK just felt like everyone was basically sitting in the same section and there was that feeling, a unity, a crowd, together. THAT was always worth going to.

FedEx is a snapshot of society; poor people WAY up yonder. They actually carry oxygen and look down into the cockpits for flybys. Then, all the contractors and semi rich own all the club level seats. They come late, leave early and half of them spend the whole game in the cigar bar or lounging around in the endless supply of leather sofas enjoying plasma TV's. You can't even get on this level if your ticket ain't right.

Then, all the people who had tickets at RFK sit down in the 100's. The lower seating area kinda feels like RFK.

Then, the semi elite; they have the loge seats.

Then the ruling class own and occupy the suites.

RFK had NONE of that segregated feel.

And otter is right; there were so many games when I expected the lower roll out bleachers to just snap off from the crowd going nuts at RFK.

Now, I will add this; I have ALWAYS enjoyed the people I sat around at FedEx, same as RFK; Cowboy fans, Browns fans, Chargers, Chiefs, Vikings...etc. and of course Skins fans.


HollowSoul said:
:shrug: i only paid $70 for my martinsville race tix...
turn 3-row 9:banana:

my Richmond tix are $90 and they are in the middle of turns 1 and 2, row 35,


New Member
I would say to go out to the game and try to buy tickets from someone. As it gets closer to game time, the prices people are asking will drop and you should be able to find a decent priced ticket. Even if the seat isnt on the 50 yard line, you will still have a great time. Good luck finding tickets.


Asperger's Poster Child
Larry Gude said:
...to see the game; you go for the atmosphere. You'll miss a good bit of the action but you will be able to see long pass plays develop and you can focus on one player as much as you like.
I've been to college games but not NFL games, and I think you're right. Football is much easier to watch on TV. Baseball is easier to watch in person. How about basketball and hockey--are these better on TV or in person?


Nothing to see here
Tonio said:
I've been to college games but not NFL games, and I think you're right. Football is much easier to watch on TV. Baseball is easier to watch in person. How about basketball and hockey--are these better on TV or in person?

Hockey is too fast for TV, you have to see it in person.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...when it was at the Equestrian center was AWESOME.

Hockey, live, I agree with otter, is a definite go to. Even if you're not a fan and have a hard time following the puck, everyone is moving so much that you'll find yourself looking in one place, nothing seems to be happening and then BLAM, along comes a huge check or the puck is there, crammed in the net and...bedlam.

I would think with the new rules, hockey is even better, more odd man rushes, more breakaways. THAT is exciting.

Baseball is like football in that it's all about the atmosphere and in this case it's about the tranquil, stop and smell the roses simple pleasures of baseball, a summer afternoon, just sitting, sipping, the odd reason to get excited and holler a bit. Very civilized. You miss alot live, like football, if all you care about is the game.

Football is YOUR tribe getting ready for WAR and picking on Dallas fans as they roam about. Stop and stomp on the roses.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
I have a connection that is trying to wrangle me some tix for Dallas on 18 Dec. I was offered season tix but they were in the new "partially obstructed view" seats, I passed. My view at home is partially obstructed while my wife is vacuuming the LR. :lmao: