Oh My Aching Patookas!


Rocky Mountain High!!
:biggrin: Kiddin'
But today's horseback ride was a ton better than yesterday...when I got impaled on a tree and thrown from my horsie going full speed downhill...YOWZA!! That'll teach me to brag about my velcro but again.
Even still, a bad day in OR out of the saddle is 100% better than a good day at work. :dance:
A bunch of us got together, met at the end of our lane, and cowboyed all afternoon on horseback. It was a BLAST!! And watching Appy's Jalopity Jeb (AKA - Jacob) was hysterical to watch rack like an old jalopity truck all the way down the driveway...catching up to the QH and Mustang....That was about the funniest looking thing i've ever seen, especially knowing I've been on his back when he's doing it....OWWWWWWWWWW....
Thanks people for the good times and great company! Ya'll know who you are. :smile: Can't wait to do it again.
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I have no idea what you are saying but I felt sorry for your sad little post hanging all out there by itself. So here.... response. I'm sad your patooka hurts. :lmao:
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Set Trippin
Kain99 said:
I have no idea what you are saying but I felt sorry for your sad little post hanging all out there by itself. So here.... response. I'm sad your patooka hurts. :lmao:


Rocky Mountain High!!

I'll show ya that one later. :biggrin:
whose cookin' this weekend?? Are we going to the Thompson's place??
She left her helmet at my place, can you tell her if you talk too her?


New Member
Sorry I couldn't join you guys

Between work and school I'm beat. I went out and saw my horse for awhile and groomed him on Sunday. It's been too long since I have ridden, I must get back in the saddle soon.


Jersey attitude.
happyappygirl said:
:biggrin: Kiddin'
But today's horseback ride was a ton better than yesterday...when I got impaled on a tree and thrown from my horsie going full speed downhill...YOWZA!! That'll teach me to brag about my velcro but again.
Even still, a bad day in OR out of the saddle is 100% better than a good day at work. :dance:
A bunch of us got together, met at the end of our lane, and cowboyed all afternoon on horseback. It was a BLAST!! And watching Appy's Jalopity Jeb (AKA - Jacob) was hysterical to watch rack like an old jalopity truck all the way down the driveway...catching up to the QH and Mustang....That was about the funniest looking thing i've ever seen, especially knowing I've been on his back when he's doing it....OWWWWWWWWWW....
Thanks people for the good times and great company! Ya'll know who you are. :smile: Can't wait to do it again.

Sorry ya got banged up a little, glad all of you got in a good ride!

I had a chance to ride on our place this weekend, weather was fine! We did everything but the creek, my friend's Morgan X likes to roll in it, and it was a leeeetle too cold for that.

Took my little boy with me yesterday, he's 5 and loves his old QH. Thinking about showing lead line this year....


Rocky Mountain High!!
AWW lead line and a 5 year old...HOW cute!!
We're gonna ride Sat and Sunday this weekend, at our place for sure Sat (Appy we scoped out that other trail so we can do a huge circle that leads into the trails at our place) and hopefully somewhere else sunday.
Anyone want to join us??? GORGEOUS trails and GREAT company...right Appy? :biggrin:


Rocky Mountain High!!
Weather should be "decent" not 60's but hey it IS February.
Plus we'll be riding mainly in the deep woods, so no wind. We'll take it easy on him.
Great news about Sunday. What's to eat???? I'll call her Sat night i suppose.
BTW...Rottncop already took her helmet to her.


Temperamental Artist
Magnum said:
Hey do ya'll think this looks like a decent horse??

Me... pay money... for ANY horse... I get mine for free. Love my girl "High and Dry" (bay TB mare) but I just don't pay for my horses (Broke college student)... Libby looks like a decent horse, but for a 7 year old TB you really want to check out the horse in person, and see for yourself. ALSO, ask for a vet check... make sure they have clean legs. TBs are notorious for leg problems if they were on the track. Hope that helps! :D