Oh, the hypocrisy!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member

In May, the music mogul focused his fierce wealth, fat connections and exhausting gift for rapid-fire chat toward one goal: overturning New York's harsh Rockefeller-era drug laws.

But now, Simmons' friends on the political left are slamming him as a traitor. Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver and maritally challenged Andrew Cuomo, both Democrats, have all but accused Simmons of selling out to Republicans.
And guess why? Because he is working with George Pataki on putting together a drug bill. :lol: So all you have to do to get in hot water with the lefties is talk to a Republican!


Hmmmm... ahhhh... isn't asking Simmons to help broker a deal on drug punishments kind of like asking Larry Flynt's advice on changing decency laws??? What the heck was Pataki thinking?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Apparently the idea was to let the opposition help put the law together, hoping that they could come up with a solution that would be acceptable to both sides. So, in that vein, it makes sense to have Larry Flynt help draft pornography laws.

From what I understand, the libs are bent because Simmons deigned to work with Pataki AND he "compromised". Libbies felt he should have stuck to their all-or-nothing guns.


What a world we live in when we feel the need to invite criminals to help rewrite laws so that they are "acceptable to both sides." Something is either legal or it isn't. If it's illegal, and someone breaks the law, they should get punished. I can't believe that their calling in Simmons to serve as a quasi union negotiator for drug dealers.

I can just see it now... the next meeting of the United Federation of Crack and Heroin Dealers, NY Local, having a meeting to ratify the latest contract with the State of New York. :biggrin:

"Ok... here's the deal. The State says that we can sell crack and heroin directly to our consumers without going to jail. But, if you use a child as a middle man you will go to jail. All those for this contract say "I".

Again... what the heck was Pataki thinking!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Bruzilla
What a world we live in when we feel the need to invite criminals to help rewrite laws so that they are "acceptable to both sides."
What a wake-up call. You're right, of course - I guess I'm so used to our elected officials letting the inmates run the asylum that I've been brain-washed.

Maybe while we're at it, we can get John Lee Malvo to help us draft some murder laws.

Thanks for slapping me around - I needed that.