Oh, the hypocrisy!

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Democratic presidential challenger John Kerry appealed for an end to the TV advertising war that has marked his election battle against President George W. Bush.

Kerry said the avalanche of negative television spots and attacks being shown on US screens was scaring off voters.
Where was he when Bush called on him to denounce the 527s???

Where was he when Farenheit 911 came out???

How about those nasty MoveOn.org ads???

The Democrats have complained bitterly about a new advertisement that shows Osama bin Laden, September 11 hijack leader Mohamed Atta, Saddam Hussein and the ruins of the World Trade Center, and questioned whether Kerry was up to dealing with them.
They can complain all they want, but this is a legitimate question and Kerry hasn't answered it in a satisfactory manner.

This stuff just burns me up. I can't for the life of me figure out why ANYONE would vote for this idiot.


Originally posted by Larry Gude err.... I mean vraiblonde
Where was he when Bush called on him to denounce the 527s???

Where was he when Farenheit 911 came out???

He was home... Washing his tights! Ah-ha-ha-ha!
-- The Joker

Gotta give Kerry his props though. He's consistant in his flip-flopping. Before they were OK. Now, after he put it through The Kerry Filter (TM), it's not OK. Frankly, we should have seen it coming.
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Dancing Up A Storm
Got Milk??


If Kerrys' byotching and moaning about the 527 ads weren't enough!:loser:

Now he tells a group of Dairy Farmers in Spring Green, Wis that President Bush will unveil a new bill that will hurt them - after the election!

"Kerry said Bush is opposing an effort to extend the Milk Income Loss Contract that helps dairy farmers when milk prices drop and is set to expire in October 2005. He said the Bush administration would wait until after the election to act so voters in swing dairy states wouldn't turn against him.

Kerry said if he is elected president, he will make sure the program is extended.

Kerry said he would fill milk bottles at his uncle's dairy farm as a young boy. "I have a great sense of the land," Kerry said. "I really do. I'm tired of small family farmers getting squeezed."

This dude is clearly getting delusional:duh:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Penn said:
Kerry said he would fill milk bottles at his uncle's dairy farm as a young boy.
What is it with these Democrats who were raised in penthouses trying to pretend they have ever done a lick of manual labor in their whole lives? Remember when Al Gore was a tobacco farmer?



Dancing Up A Storm
vraiblonde said:
What is it with these Democrats who were raised in penthouses trying to pretend they have ever done a lick of manual labor in their whole lives? Remember when Al Gore was a tobacco farmer?

Vrai, you're right on it! Out of all the printed text of that article, that is the one that made me think:BS!! Can anybody picture John- flip/flopping, wishy-washy, windsurfing- Kerry on a farm, either milking cows, or filling bottles of milk??

Is he serious?!? This guy has got to be the most fantastic fablest(as in Aesop) of our time.

I thought Slick Willie held that title after he told the country that he remembered as a little boy the church burnings he saw in Arkansas, and how deeply it upset him!

It turns out there wasn't a single church set on fire during his childhood in Hope, Ar.!

These guys are cut from the same mold, I tell ya!!

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
It might be possible that Kerry has milked a cow before, but the thought of him spitting the milk into a bucket just grosses me out.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
vraiblonde said:
What is it with these Democrats who were raised in penthouses trying to pretend they have ever done a lick of manual labor in their whole lives? Remember when Al Gore was a tobacco farmer?


Was that before he went on to invent the Internet? :confused:


I bowl overhand
Ken King said:
It might be possible that Kerry has milked a cow before, but the thought of him spitting the milk into a bucket just grosses me out.
Well in Kerry's confusion.. he forgot a COW has four "finger's" on it's udder.. he never thought it strange that HIS cow only had ONE...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Kerry only does this stuff because he knows he can. He obviously realizes that his supporters are a bunch of idiots or he wouldn't make outrageous statements like he does.

"Ladies and gentlemen, my opponent is a known matriculator! And he committed matrimony!"

Take a trip over to the DU - there's your Kerry voters in a nutshell.


Well-Known Member
vraiblonde said:
What is it with these Democrats who were raised in penthouses trying to pretend they have ever done a lick of manual labor in their whole lives? Remember when Al Gore was a tobacco farmer?


You DO know that he DID farm tobacco? The question was never that he never did it; the question was the hypocrisy of a man swearing to stamp out the evil of tobacco from the death-bed of his sister, and then later on stump in front of tobacco farmers and remind them that he once farmed tobacco. Like Kerry, a man without firm convictions on anything.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
SamSpade said:
You DO know that he DID farm tobacco?
He did not "farm" tobacco - he owned a tobacco farm and had workers who did all that stuff. All Gore did was collect the government subsidies.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
However, if Al Gore DID actually put his hands on a tobacco plant in any way, shape or form, I take back my comment.


Active Member
Since I am in the mood for some Kerry bashing...

Some footage I recently saw of the Capitol building being evacuated on 9/11 showed Kerry coming down the steps smiling and laughing. I wonder what he found so amusing?

I wonder why the RNC hasn't used that footage to their advantage?