I was watching the inaugural on the TV in our cafeteria, and they had the subtitles on since it's hard to hear over the talking. The monitors were tuned to CNN, and I was watching Dick Cheney getting sworn in when I noticed a "goof" on the subtitles. When Cheney recited the statement "that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion," the subtitles read "that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of invasion."
Now, not to stir the conspiracy pot, but c'mon. This same oath has been in use since we've had oaths, and it's not like this statement is something off the cuff. Plus there's no way to mistype evasion as invasion, so was this an innocent misunderstanding or some CNN POS's little joke. You be the judge.
Now, not to stir the conspiracy pot, but c'mon. This same oath has been in use since we've had oaths, and it's not like this statement is something off the cuff. Plus there's no way to mistype evasion as invasion, so was this an innocent misunderstanding or some CNN POS's little joke. You be the judge.