OK all you PREGGO ladies (and prior preggos') HELP!!


33 yrs & we r still n luv
DIL is 9 mths pregnant now. She is going :jameo:.
Has a horrible rash on her belly, legs and arms. She researched it and evidently it's something that occurs in the 9th month for some women. Goes away after childbirth.

Has anyone else ever had this? She is absolutely miserable. Itches constantly so no sleep........ What can she do for it? I suggested oatmeal baths. Dr. said lanocaine. nothing is helping. Can you help?


New Member
I feel for her! Had the same thing with my second child. Dr. said it was hormonal - it did go away within a day or so after I gave birth. My doctor recommended Benedryl spray. He also said I could take Benedryl in the evening to help me sleep. It was the only thing that worked for me. This was several years ago, so I would check with her doctor to make sure that the medical opinion on using Benedryl with a pregnancy is still okay. Good luck!


I sounds like it would be miserable. I had never heard of it until today's post.


New Member
benedryal is still ok to take durning pregnancy. I have heard of that rash too, thankfully have never experienced it though. I hope she finds relief soon.


Has confinement issues..
With my first, I was convinced I had scabies because of the same sort of rash. I slathered on that prescription goo for 3 months..

THe doctor never once mentioned that it could just be my hormones, but as soon as I gave birth, the rash began to clear up:rolleyes:

It's crazy all the crap that goes on in a pregnant gals body..Hope she doesn't retain the 10 pounds of fluid I did on my second go 'round.

:huggy: for DIL ( and one for you too:huggy:)


New Member
I feel for her...had PUPPS with my first child. Oatmeal baths didn't help much, but the benedryl did. Doctor said it was completely safe and it helped me sleep at night...I was so miserable from itching, it was a relief. That's what I would recommend.
Try getting it in the 5th month, tell her to thank her lucky stars that she got it only in the 9th. :huggy:

Sounds like PUPPS, the rash that I had prednisone, cortizone cream, benedryl, vistaril, etc. would not touch it. I finally got put on Zyrtec and it has made the rash go away, still have itching, but not as intolerable as it was even with the vistaril and prednisone. Besides, the prednisone just made me swell a bunch.

I'd say that she needs to make an appt. with her OB, they will probably put her on Zyrtec or something else depending on severity.

Best of luck to her!