and non allergy sufferers. What would you do? I have what I will call an intern at work. She must have allergies because she can't be sick this long. She has a horrible "habit" of sniffling (don't mean to be gross) her snot all day long, 8 hours a day, I would almost say once every other minute or so. I say "habit" because she also cracks her knuckles all day long. Do people not know how to blow their nose? I do not work in an environment that I can ask her to leave. It's gotten to the point where I can not stand to be around it. She does the same thing when she is with my coworkers. Would you find it rude or offensive to say something? I work in patient care and I have had several mention that they hope she is not sick and exposing them to something. Do I tell her to blow her nose, hand her tissues, offer her allergy meds?