and his panel of starched conservatives pondered a good question; How long is the Federal Government going to doll out emergency relief money for rebuilding peoples stuff when they insist on living in areas that are garanteed to be wiped eventually?
While I feel for these people and their loss, why does my tax money go to pay/augment/subsidize rebuilding someones home when they insist on living a stones throw from the beach in a hurricane zone or on the side of a mudslide prone hill or smack dab ontop of the San Adreas fault or in a flood zone?
I realize that some of the money is paid to "tide" them over until private insurance catches up, then it is paid back BUT a bunch of it is grants that is never paid back. One would think that a logical person would not place their entire existance in peril by building in a danger zone, and if they did the honus should be on them to privately insure themselves appropriately and not wait for the hand wringing, sympathy oozing government to make it all better when they built a half million dollar stick house in hurricane alley.
While I feel for these people and their loss, why does my tax money go to pay/augment/subsidize rebuilding someones home when they insist on living a stones throw from the beach in a hurricane zone or on the side of a mudslide prone hill or smack dab ontop of the San Adreas fault or in a flood zone?
I realize that some of the money is paid to "tide" them over until private insurance catches up, then it is paid back BUT a bunch of it is grants that is never paid back. One would think that a logical person would not place their entire existance in peril by building in a danger zone, and if they did the honus should be on them to privately insure themselves appropriately and not wait for the hand wringing, sympathy oozing government to make it all better when they built a half million dollar stick house in hurricane alley.