You know how you hear all the stories about how when a pregnant woman is assaulted and it results in the death or her unborn child, the prosecutors always try to get a double murder rap going?
And how the NOW nuts are saying that the unborn child IS NOT a human and merely a "choice" for the mother to decide if it lives or dies?
What if we do this: what if we make it the law that a fetus isn't a person unless the parents say it's a person? That way the NOW babes can abort all they want and it's legal, but we can still serve justice to a person who murders a wanted child.
What say?
And how the NOW nuts are saying that the unborn child IS NOT a human and merely a "choice" for the mother to decide if it lives or dies?
What if we do this: what if we make it the law that a fetus isn't a person unless the parents say it's a person? That way the NOW babes can abort all they want and it's legal, but we can still serve justice to a person who murders a wanted child.
What say?