

I'm not sure if any of you have seen this or not, but it is absolutely hysterical.
Some of you may not agree with everything this blogger has to say but some of those posts will have you in complete agreeance!

Fugly Horse of the Day!
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Love this site! I have to agree with some of his points about backyard breeders who don't give a **** about the traits they are perpetuating. (Not to mention the fugliness). Thanks for sharing!


I've seen this. Don't agree with everything on it. Not that some isn't true, but still. It is coming from a person whose ideal horse may be of a certain type.

It would like me dissing on halter type QH's because my ideal type is a WB/sporthorse. Not that the halter type is a bad thing, and an example might be perfection in the QH world, but to me might be a overweight, built downhill nag.

The biggest thing that bothers me about this site is the blogger themselves whom act so big to run their mouth, yet are not big enough to state who they are and their credentials to speak about other peoples horses. Seems to be a very cowardly thing to do. If you want to evaluate a horse, do so, and open it up for discussion so all can learn and input. This approach is just trash talk and derragatory. I feel bad for the people this person has "attacked" as they seem to have no recourse. One side of the story does not tell all- especially a opinion from a loose cannon such as this.

Thank goodness my images are noted and copyright protected. This person dare comment on any of my stock!

Such a sad world we live in for people to find humor in this. Why not put effort into trying to HELP these horses with all the time taken to post and bash the owners!!
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New Member
Some breeds may not be your cup of tea but you can appreciate a quality specimen regardless of the breed. From what I gather the pics are coming from sale ads, publicly posted, so there for the public to comment on. I don’t see what can be done to help the breeders of some of those unfortunate animals. Do you really think if you responded to their sale ad and said “you really should stop breeding this low quality of animal” they would stop? Did you go back through the archives? Some of the worst conformation examples were in there. Let’s face it – most active breeders, shouldn’t. How else do you account for the number of horses ending at the kill pens or left to starve? The blog may take some low punches but what’s worse, sharp comments or the knowledge that a good number of those horses may be packed into trailers some day soon? Maybe someone will rethink breeding their mare when, gosh, it looks just like that one that was being picked on.


Told ya some people wouldn't agree with her. ;) Ditto to what Fredsaid said, though.
No worries GVF, I'm pretty positive she wouldn't comment on your horses (unless she were to use them as a good example--I have always admired Max myself :howdy: ).


"Some breeds may not be your cup of tea but you can appreciate a quality specimen regardless of the breed."
I agree, however to pick on a horse that is not a perfect specimen - well you might as well pick on every horse out there. NO horse is perfect. Just like people, our lack of perfection makes us unique. We need to be able to find the good qualities. Like a supermodel vs nerd. Sure, the model is beautiful outside, but the nerd may have wonderful mind.

What about all of those backyard packers out there the kids can torture, yet they stand like a rock. I am sure 99.9% of those horses are not the "perfect specimen" however, they are still worth their weight in gold for some child who might learn the basics on. We all started with a first lesson and I still remember the little nag pony that I rode for the first time. Def not a pretty thing that 24yrs ago, but worth every penny for me to learn solids basics on.

"From what I gather the pics are coming from sale ads, publicly posted, so there for the public to comment on."
Unfortunately, I heard of someone who posted on another forum whose horse photo was used (horse was not for sale either). The photo was taken by a photographer with rights, and still the photo was taken and used. Yes, as a good example, but still the owner had no knowledge and did not give permission. So this person has obviously crossed the line on at least one occasion, which shows lack of respect for others images. I just heard of this one, but who knows if everyone whose horse has been posted knows about this. I would think at least this person could ask for photo use even if they do not state why they need it. (not that many people would cooperate once/if they found out why LOL).

I don’t see what can be done to help the breeders of some of those unfortunate animals. Do you really think if you responded to their sale ad and said “you really should stop breeding this low quality of animal” they would stop?
I did not say you could help or stop the breeders, but perhaps efforts could help the unfortunate fated horses that are a result of this type of careless backyard breeding. It is still a life. It did not breed itself. It did not ask to be born from bad stock. The horse is here, either put it down, or put it to use. Picking on what it looks like is not helping the situation any.

This type of commentary will not help backyard breeders learn. Why can't this person use their knowledge to put efforts into producing a reputable conformation/etc analysis type blog (i.e. "the good and bad of breeding") without curse words strung throughout and backyard "trailer trash" type responses. This person trash talks the horses, yet their manner of response comes straight out the gutter itself.

Did you go back through the archives? Some of the worst conformation examples were in there. Let’s face it – most active breeders, shouldn’t. Yes, I went through the archives. I saw the horses posted there. I agree most active breeders shouldn't be breeding, but what I want to know is this: is this blog stopping them? No, it is not. So, what good is coming from this other than it being for some sick "fun" for people to pick on a situation they don't try to figure out a solution for. People go there, read, have a laugh and move on. The sad situation still exists, only teaching the visitor that it’s OK to make fun of a innocent creature for the way it looks. This blog brings up a sad situation that needs addressed, yet no one tries to figure out a solution for the problem. It's a sad world we live in.

Many of these breeders simply do not understand what they are doing is wrong. To approach it in this manner though, if a breeder discovered a blog such as this, would most likely cause nothing but anger, and a hardened attitude against the blogger. Breeding would most likely continue because the breeder was not objectively presented with info so they might actually be approachable enough without feeling "under attack" to realize the carelessness of their breeding.

How else do you account for the number of horses ending at the kill pens or left to starve?
Yes, I understand the problem, but this blog is not the solution. Perhaps if everyone visiting this blog were to adopt one fated horse at one of these kill pen auctions (the fugliest one they could find) and take it home, they could put it down or help out. (Granted I know not many people have the time/space/money to do this- but it was just an example of a way to help the unfortuant horses out there). I have helped a few like this though my years. I can't save them all, but just sitting on your duff behind a computer screen laughing about the problem is not a solution.

The blog may take some low punches but what’s worse, sharp comments or the knowledge that a good number of those horses may be packed into trailers some day soon? Maybe someone will rethink breeding their mare when, gosh, it looks just like that one that was being picked on.
Still, like I said above, many people that come to read this are not coming to LEARN, but to join in on the fun of "picking" on and making fun of these helpless horses. Perhaps if this person were to direct the owners of these horses to the site (of course if it were "cleaned up" a bit via a more objective based blog) to then read about, knowledge could be passed on. Hopefully some would read, lean, and decide to not breed. This does not seem the case though, as I am sure the blogger is not informing people to the fact of their horse being used (such as in the case of the photo that was unknowingly used as a "good example"). That owner had no clue their horse was there, so you KNOW no owners of "bad" examples were informed! LOL)

Whew... I wrote a book!! Now off to take care of my own NON-Fugly horses!!