Old age and better "hearing?"


Well-Known Member
One of my Pandora stations was playing Bill Withers' "Who is He?" this morning. I was looking through some of the comments, when I came across this one:

"How time sharpens your hearing. .I listened to his music as a young fellow now at 55 its like I,m hearing it for the first time and I ask myself how could I have missed the depth of his lyrics.His music is awesome.."

Isn't that so true? Which got me to think about this as well: how much music did we miss out on because we listened to what commercial radio was playing, and what most of our friends were listening to?

I was fortunate that my dad listened to a wide variety of music of the time; folk, blues, beat, classical, rock (50s and 60s). I know that I was aware of music at a very early age and that it's always been an important part of my life. I'm also thankful for friends and other cool people in my life who didn't follow the commercial music path, but wandered off on their own.

Still, how much music have I just become aware of in the last few years that I never knew existed? What about people, groups, and genres of music that don't get a lot of air time, and if it weren't for the interwebz, we might not hear of them at all?
