Old Fashioned Christian Tent Revival


Bead mumbler
I post this not to mock, but because I remember not too long ago someone, maybe HotCoffee, mentioned they were looking for one if these.

Charles County Fairgrounds

June 6, 6-10pm
June 7, noon-8pm

Music, food, prizes and fellowship. Free admission but they are accepting food donations.

More info at:



Well-Known Member
You actually commented on your OP. Who is sponsoring the event? It appears not catholic? I found nothing on your link.


Bead mumbler
You actually commented on your OP. Who is sponsoring the event? It appears not catholic? I found nothing on your link.

Obviously not Catholic. Do not know the sponsor--passed the fairgrounds the other day and saw the large banner. The banner says One Voice, Jesus is Calling.


New Member
I post this not to mock, but because I remember not too long ago someone, maybe HotCoffee, mentioned they were looking for one if these.

Charles County Fairgrounds

June 6, 6-10pm
June 7, noon-8pm

Music, food, prizes and fellowship. Free admission but they are accepting food donations.

More info at:


Looks hokey to me, prizes, really? It also lists no affiliation. I wonder if this is the Seventh Day Adventist cult, like the ones prior years on Rt 4 in Calvert.


New Member
Looks hokey to me, prizes, really? It also lists no affiliation. I wonder if this is the Seventh Day Adventist cult, like the ones prior years on Rt 4 in Calvert.

Why don't you got check it out Friday night StoneThrower.... and let us know if we should join in on Saturday?



Soul Probe
Looks hokey to me, prizes, really? It also lists no affiliation. I wonder if this is the Seventh Day Adventist cult, like the ones prior years on Rt 4 in Calvert.

It's probably non-denominational.

I bet "The governor" would know. You should ask her.
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New Member
Why don't you got check it out Friday night StoneThrower.... and let us know if we should join in on Saturday?


No Thanks; the Auction is much more appealing. I went the other year on Rt 4 and had to confront the pastor? /TV evangelist on his false doctrine and then witnessed to some bikers he tried to shame into a conversion publically. If whoever is doing this needs to use prizes to draw people it’s neither old fashioned or a work of the Holy Spirit that is drawing people to attend. Such a low view of the gospel and the power of God unto salvation has no appeal to me.

Now if it was Oliver Greene or someone that could preach the word, then it would be a different ball game. The fact they don’t identify themselves or the pastor is good enough reason for me to stay away.


New Member
There is a reason its "old-fashioned".

LoL, I got nothing against a tent meeting, but I am not convinced there has ever been a revival, The second great awakening was a total sham with the likes of Charles Finney and the first one, needs real close examination as to what was taking place at that time and the motivating factors that were taking place that made it profitable to be part of the church at the place in time.


New Member
No Thanks; the Auction is much more appealing. I went the other year on Rt 4 and had to confront the pastor? /TV evangelist on his false doctrine and then witnessed to some bikers he tried to shame into a conversion publically. If whoever is doing this needs to use prizes to draw people it’s neither old fashioned or a work of the Holy Spirit that is drawing people to attend. Such a low view of the gospel and the power of God unto salvation has no appeal to me.

Now if it was Oliver Greene or someone that could preach the word, then it would be a different ball game. The fact they don’t identify themselves or the pastor is good enough reason for me to stay away.

So do you think Paul or the others handed out flyers stating the Sermon name?



New Member
LoL, I got nothing against a tent meeting, but I am not convinced there has ever been a revival, The second great awakening was a total sham with the likes of Charles Finney and the first one, needs real close examination as to what was taking place at that time and the motivating factors that were taking place that made it profitable to be part of the church at the place in time.

Oh, I think there has been revivals. You should take a look at some of these titles: http://banneroftruth.org/us/?s=revival

I have "Scotland Saw His Glory". It is a good read. I haven't got through it all though.


New Member
So do you think Paul or the others handed out flyers stating the Sermon name?


No, put at least you knew it was Paul. I went to the facebook page and still couldnt find out a thing. As Seinfeld says whooo are these people?
Before I waste my time which is very precious, I want some idea what I am getting into, besides that why disclouse that even if you are an unknown?


New Member
Oh, I think there has been revivals. You should take a look at some of these titles: http://banneroftruth.org/us/?s=revival

I have "Scotland Saw His Glory". It is a good read. I haven't got through it all though.

I was thinking US church history, as it’s been a mess all along. My American Church History course was a real eye opener.
That’s not to discredit Whitefield or Edwards, but to cause a closer examination of what was taking place and why.
The Second Great awakening took place as the church was drying up and after all the denomination building that took place that it couldn’t sustain that had been vacated and was dying.

Sort of like church today, so you turn to the cleverness of man with the seeker sensitive movement and create places, like "Goat Point" where it’s not even church lite, a place the religious and those that are spiritual can go put a weekly check in the box and feel good about themselves. I guess one of the blessings of it though, is it attracts the goats from more sound churches and helps purify the church.