Old Geezer

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
A 100 year old man was having a big birthday party at his nursing home. A TV crew was there to interview the man on this special day.

"Please tell our audience how you managed to live so long," as the reporter.

"Well, I don't ever drink and I've never smoked," replied the old geezer. "And, I make it a point to stay away from wild women."

Just then, there was a loud shriek in the hall. The crew turned to see a nurse run by, followed by an agile looking, older man. The older man carried a foul smelling cigar in one hand and a glass of whiskey in the other.

As he ran by, he paused for a moment, looked at the crowd and let out a hardy, "He, he, he!" and then continued his pursuit.

"What was that all about?" asked the astonished reporter.

Replied the old geezer, "Please excuse my father - he gets carried away sometimes!"

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Originally posted by cattitude
Oooops...I thought this was a thread about Otter. My bad.:biggrin:

That was my first thought when I saw the title. :killingme

BTW - how's the double-wide? :wink:


My Sweetest Boy
Originally posted by jazz lady
That was my first thought when I saw the title. :killingme

BTW - how's the double-wide? :wink:

It is so awesome!! With the breeze last night, the neighbors' trash pile blew all over our yard and the stench from their outhouse was awful. We couldn't be happier.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Originally posted by cattitude
It is so awesome!! With the breeze last night, the neighbors' trash pile blew all over our yard and the stench from their outhouse was awful. We couldn't be happier.
I hope your porch is secure. I wouldn't want it to collapse and kill all the dogs underneath. :wink:


My Sweetest Boy
Originally posted by jazz lady
I hope your porch is secure. I wouldn't want it to collapse and kill all the dogs underneath. :wink:

No chance of that. The old newspapers, cat feces and milk cartons are piled high enough to hold the deck.:biggrin:


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Hey Catt

Does Otter still have the Transcamaro up on blocks or did he make it into a BBQ pit yet?


My Sweetest Boy
Re: Hey Catt

Originally posted by Sharon
Does Otter still have the Transcamaro up on blocks or did he make it into a BBQ pit yet?

It made the coolest diving board for the cement pond in our back yard.:biggrin: